6:00 P.M.

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(I wanna fuck something up ;-; -Dad)


The man you now knew as Brian heard a dude call him back over to the table. He smiled once more, waved, and jogged back to the table to join someone with sideburns.

Wow. That didn't go AT ALL like you had planned. You grabbed the napkins and hurried back to your table. You set the napkins down and slid into your seat.

Your boss glared at you and you shrunk under her glare. Why did she hate you so much? You tried your best. Your electricity was out, so you didn't have a laptop at home to be able to do any work.

That'll just end up being your excuse next time. Your mom broke you away from your thoughts, "So.. It's true.. You lied."

You looked down and nodded, "Yes, mother.. And I'm sorry."

"I thought we raised you better than that." Your dad shook his head.

Your eyes saddened. You wanted to leave. You wanted to get away so you could save your parents from being more disappointed and you wanted to save yourself from more guilt.

After you ate....

It was 5:40 P.M. when you left the restaurant. You drove home, eyes drooping. You glanced out your window at Rosswood Park. You didn't know why, but that place gave you the chills. There wasn't too much of a reason. Just a feeling.

You parked in front of your house and you went inside. You went straight to your bedroom and fell back on your bed.

You checked the time. It was 6:00 P.M.


Word Count: 266 words

Hello, my children! Hypedad here! I am going to try to update at least once a day. From now on. After school tomorrow, I will update and so on. Or maybe before school.. I dunno. Anyways, I'll see you later!


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