11:54 (part 2)

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You couldn't quite believe your eyes. How did you keep seeing him? Over and over. He was everywhere. And how did your friend know him? You just didn't understand. He seemed to know everyone. It was as if he were stalking you. But that couldn't be true. He seemed like the type that couldn't hurt even a fly.

That toothy grin of his. It was too lighthearted to be a stalker's smile. Definitely not a murderer's. All dangerous options were ruled out immediately.

The man with sideburns coughed, bringing you back down to earth. "I'm uh.. Tim." He spoke quietly. He didn't seem to be too social. Or used to socializing. He seemed so sleep deprived as well. And he seemed sick as he seemed to cough a lot.

The scrawny man next to him gave a kind smile before introducing himself, "My name is Jay." He carried a camera with him. It seemed to be recording everything.

You rose a brow at this. What the hell was the camera for? Before you could ask, the man you had been thinking about before Tim introduced himself spoke up.

"And my name is Brian! We meet a lot so you might as well get to know me, huh?" He gave a toothy grin. He seemed to be the most energetic of the three. He was wearing a tan hoodie and some jeans. He held out a hand for you to shake, still grinning widely.

You blinked before shaking his hand. He definitely seemed way too nice to be a killer. Definitely too harmless and kind. "My name is Y/N. It's nice to finally get to know you, Brian." You smiled.

He gave a close eyed smile. "Yeah. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot anyways."

Your friend spoke up. "Alright guys and gal! Time to have the time of our lives!" She grinned wildly, eyes wide open with excitement.

Brian definitely cheered, Jay kinda grinned, and Tim just kept a nervous smile. Why was he so damn worried? If anything, he was the serial killer of the group. Not Brian.

The four of you quickly walked to a rollercoaster. "Alright! Less chance to wimp out!" Your friend cackled with joy.

Tim seemed to begin to protest but was cut off as Brian draped his arm as around his shoulder, laughing loudly. "C'mon, Tim. You have to go on this one. It's the best one here and you know it."

You frowned. You felt bad for Tim, seeing how he was being forced to go on the rollercoaster. You didn't say anything and just followed behind the group in silence.

Your friend sat in the front, Tim and Jay sat behind her, and you and Brian sat behind them. You all got strapped in and waited for the ride to begin. As time ticked on, you felt yourself become nervous. Your heart was beginning to beat faster and your throat tightened. You were beginning to regret getting on the ride. You glanced around at your friends and you saw them talking to each other. But all you heard was white noise. You saw their lips moving but couldn't even begin to imagine what they were saying.

   A voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. Enjoy the ride."

  You felt the ride slowly begin to move and you felt your heart practically stop. You wanted off. You continued to kind of frantically look around you. You hated yourself for getting on. But there was nothing you could do now. Why were you so afraid? Then it came to you.



   It was when you were, what, ten? Eleven? You couldn't really remember what age you were. You were around that age. You and (best friend name) adored carnivals and amusement parks. You always went to one whenever you could. You would ride all the rides, eat all the food, play all the games even when you knew they were rigged. It never mattered to you. You were just there to have fun.

   It happened on a Friday night. School just let out for fall break. You and (best friend name) made plans to attend the Halloween carnival that night with two other friends. You and your best friend loved Halloween. It was one of your favorite holidays. You ignored the weird looks whenever you stated that fact. Most kids your age liked Christmas. Not you, though. Not (best friend name). You two just loved Halloween and you were not afraid to show it.

   The carnival came every year, too. You wouldn't miss it for the world. Whenever your parents were too busy to take you, (best friend name) and her parents picked you up to take you to the carnival. They treated you like their own. Nothing would ever change that.

   Your childlike eyes gazed up at the bright Halloween themed lights of the carnival. One ride caught your eye the most. It was a...—


  How could you forget? That fateful night.. it was too late now to think about it. You shakily gripped onto Brian's soft hoodie sleeve. As you reached the top, the cold, biting wind whistled in your ear. Everything felt so... unreal. You didn't understand. You were fine. You were better. You forgot all about it. But now, here you were, all the way at the top of this stupid ride.

   Stupid girl.


  The amount of people waiting in line for the ride felt unreal. It made your head spin and it made your heart leap with joy knowing the fact that so many people loved Halloween as much as yourself. Your friends talked to each other but all you could seem to do was focus on the ride in front of you. It looked too exhilarating to be true. Yet here it was. And here you were.

   It was eventually your turn. There wasn't enough room for you and all your friends to get on at the same time. That was fine by you and it was fine by them. They would wait for you and they would wait for their turn. You took your place on the ride. You looked around with wide, excited eyes. It was finally happening. You were being securely strapped in.

Or you thought you were..—


   The ride began to move and a scream ripped through your throat. It felt like your throat was being set ablaze. It startled Brian and made him quickly put an arm around you. As if he were trying to comfort you.

"It's okay.. you're okay.. nothing is going to happen to you.. shh.." He whispered into your ear, stroking your hair.

  Your eyes blurred and burned with hot, wet tears. They threatened to fall as the ride continued on. You couldn't breathe. Your throat was too tight. Your head spun as memories of the event began popping up. You shut your eyes to block them out. But even then, the images of that night.. the ride, the lights, the people, everything. It kept showing up even behind closed eyelids.


  It happened so fast. Too fast. Your small, young mind couldn't comprehend it. But everyone around you could. Your safety belt had come undone when the coaster was at the top. When it started going down.. down.. down.. you did too. You fell.. hard.

Do you remember now?


  When you stepped off of the ride, your friends surrounded you and asked you a million questions you couldn't hear or understand. You were only focused on not falling over. You were too dizzy and your head hurt. Nothing made sense to you. You mumbled a simple "I'm fine" and took a shaky step forward.

  You fell before you could make it three steps.

Everything went black


Word Count: 1,302

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