3:47 P.M.

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   You sighed gloomily as you looked upon the restaurant your boss had insisted on going to instead of your humble abode. You slid out of your car. At least you got to eat something edible. Because you couldn't cook. At all.

   You took note of your surroundings. An old parking lot, an old building, tall trees in the land plots the restaurant had surrounding the place. It was alright. Seemed like an old restaurant. No wonder Mrs. Barrow chose this place. She's as old as the restaurant. Maybe older.

   You snorted at your thoughts. You tended to distract and entertain yourself with your thoughts. It's best to always keep your mind off of the fact that your parents might end up killing you at the end of the day.

  You sighed at this thought. It was true. Sadly. Your parents will never let you see the light of day again.

You ignored that obvious fact and entered the restaurant. By the time you found the group of matured adults, they had already ordered their drinks.

You took a seat across from your boss, right next to your father. Your mother eyed your nervous face with suspicion twisting her normally soft features. Did she know that you lied?

An awkward silence rested upon the four of you. You pondered your choices for a while. Should you come clean? Maybe you should let this while charade drag on.

While you were thinking, your boss cleared her throat, tearing you away from your thoughts. "Huh?" You flinched, looking at the ravenette.

"Ms. L/N, it appears to me that you may have.. Ahem.. Lied to me yet again about why your work was late." She glared at you from behind her glasses.

  Your parents' faces were twisted with disappointment.

Oh boy. This was going to be a LONG lunch. It wasn't even halfway over. It was only 3:47 P.M.

Your mother sighed, "Y/N, go grab a napkin for me, please."

You nodded, nervous as you stood and began to walk over to where the napkins were. As you walked, you relt Mrs. Barrow's eyes burning holes into your back.

You shuddered as you reached for a napkin. You were caught off guard as a hand reached out at the same time.

You drew your hand back, spinning around to look at the person.

It was a man with sandy hair that had a slight wave to it. He had a little bit of a mustache and his eyes appeared to be a type of hazel. (I don't know his eye color ;-;) He wore a black jacket over an orange hoodie and a pair of brownish black pants with some boots.

You looked him over, finally speaking up. "Er... Sorry for uhm.. Uh..." You struggled to find the words.

"Don't worry." He gave a toothy grin. "What's your name?"

  "My name is Y/N." You responded. "Yours?"



Word Count: 486 Words

I'm out of excuses, to be honest. I've had a lot going on in my life lately, and I haven't gotten around to updating. I swear I'll try to update more. Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter!


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