3:23 P.M.

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  Just a little bit after you got home, you had started to become paranoid. This was very strange considering you never felt this way. Your Wi-Fi was out so you couldn't watch YouTube. You lost your favorite band albums. So now what?

  "God damn it..." You sighed, falling back on your couch. Why was adulting so hard? Life was a dick, but oh well. You couldn't do anything about it and you didn't have the guts to change it. So this was just your life now. You had to deal with it.

  You stood up from the couch, going to the kitchen. You opened the fridge, getting out some Starbucks you bought a day or two ago. You sighed, sipping the goodness. You watched the trees outside your window. You only had one or two neighbors, so it was pretty peaceful around your house. Unlike your life.

   You eventually finished your drink, putting the cup on the counter. You decided to just leave it there. You'd worry about it later. You left the kitchen, sitting back down on the couch. A walk might help your stress.

   "Hey.. A walk! Yes! Why didn't I think of that before?" You jumped up, darting out the door. You got into your car, starting it up before driving away. A walk was what you were supposed to be doing. So why were you in your car? Well, you were gonna take a walk at a specific place. Rosswood park.

   You seemed to be drawn to it like a moth to a flame. You didn't understand why. But you kept seeing the man in the wheat colored hoodie. Well.. You assumed it was a man. You weren't exactly sure. Just judging by the figure. You finally parked in the parking lot and you got out of your car. You inhaled some of the fresh air. The fresh fall breeze felt like home.

  You began to walk down a bendy trail, looking around at the trees and undergrowth. "So. This is Rosswood Park." You observed, putting your hands on your hips. You heard a gunshot in the distance. It scared you. "W-What the fuck..?.." You slowly turned to the direction of the source of the sound, squinting your eyes.

   You heard distant shouts. Oh hell no. You were NOT getting involved. You had at least a little common sense left. Despite the fact that you wanted to find out what was going on. You began to walk, humming to yourself.

  You began to get the same dreadful feeling from when you were at home. Paranoia. You pressed on, moving forward down the path. When you said you had a little bit of common sense left, you didn't mean you had all of it.

  As you walked, the feeling grew. You felt like you were being watched. Why did you feel like this? Why were you so paranoid? Was someone watching you? If so, who?

  All of these questions were answered when you noticed the man in the wheat hoodie. Him. He was the source of your dreadful paranoia. Strange. You thought Brian from the store was wearing the same exact hoodie. Strange indeed. You shrugged it off. It was just a hoodie. Anyone can own one of the type.

  But now was not the time to be thinking about Brian. Now was the time to get the fuck out of the woods. "Stay away from me!" You yelled when the hooded man took a step towards you. You turned on heel, running away. You heard light footsteps behind you as the man's boots dug into the ground each time his feet fell.

  You noticed the hooded man had stopped following you as soon as you got to your car. With a deep inhale, you spun around to see if the man was still there. To your shock, he wasn't. Where did he go?.. How did he get away so fast? You still didn't quite understand. But life was strange. And it never gave free explanations. You'd have to figure everything out yourself in the long run.

  You got into your car, taking a breather. So. This is what Rosswood Park holds. Gunshots. Yells. Hooded men. You didn't like any of those things. You would soon realize that you met the one thing that would change your life forever at 3:23 PM.


Word Count: 728 words


Good news! I'm not dead! But I feel like I've been neglecting this book. And I'm truly sorry. But summer vacation is in at least a week and a half. I'll update way more then. 'Till then!


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