3:43 P.M.

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  Your alarm clock chimed and gave you a rude awakening. Your eyes snapped open as you knocked the clock off the table. You yawned, refreshed after your okay night of sleep. It wasn't the best, but it was okay. You slipped out from beneath the (F/C) covers. Your messy hair was in thick knots. You sighed, "Oh joy.. Time to face my lies."

  You padded over to the small bathroom, feet smacking against the cold tile floor. You filled the sink with cold water. It felt so utterly refreshing as you splashed the it on your face. You jolted awake. You stretched a little, taking little notice to the fact that your plain T-shirt had tiny water droplets staining the fabric. You left the bathroom, scooping up the proper work attire out of your mahogany dresser. You padded back to the bathroom, shutting the wooden door.

  You slipped your T-shirt off, staring at your (slim/curvy/thick/etc) form. You then proceed to button up your snow white blouse, throwing on a pair of dress pants and dress shoes. You brush your hair and leave it at that.

  While you leave your home, you catch a glimpse of the same shade of orange. You swore it was there. It had to be there. But you still weren't sure.

  As you arrive at work, you find your full family standing around outside the glass doors. You breathe out, slipping out of your car, the clink of your keys sounding out as you lazily stuff them into your pocket. You shut the car door, stiffly approaching your family with dread.

  "(Y/N)!" Your mother cheered, wrapping her long arms around you. She wore a flowery dress with sandals. Her (H/C) had a few gray streaks here and there. Other than that, she hadn't changed a bit.

  "Hey, mom.." You sighed dreadfully, reluctantly returning the hug. Your father patted you in the back.

  "Heya, sunshine." He smiled. You noticed the indent of his wrinkled dimples. Your mother always told you how you got your smile from your father. His dark red hair had turned dark gray. He wore a suit and tie as if he were going to his own office job. He always did try to make a good impression.

  The three of you had a group hug. "I missed you guys." You smiled kindly. You honestly had. Even though you said you hated your parents from time to time, you knew that wasn't true. They got you where you needed to be. That's all that mattered to all three of you.

  "Ah! Mr and Mrs. (L/N)!"


  Your snobby boss that went out of her way to make your life a living nightmare made her dramatic appearance. Mrs. Barrow always was good at dramatic appearances. Especially when you didn't want her to make one.

  The three older adults talked for a few minutes.

  "You are..."

  "I'm (Father's Name)."

  "And you are.."

  "Oh! I'm (Mother's Name)."

  "Splendid! My name is Mrs. Barrow. I am your daughter's boss." Mrs. Crow chick introduced herself.

  You sighed, desperately tried to distract yourself as the three older adults kept talking. Your blood ran cold when their friendly smiles fell. Oh god. They knew. They knew that you had made up a horrible lie. A horrible lie that you put together before your boss noticed your nervousness. But it didn't matter now. You were done for.

  "(Y/N)? Did you.. Lie to Mrs. Barrow?" Your mother questioned, her bright sunny face now as dark as the shadows that are cast at night.

  "I-Mom-You see..."

  "Heh. She makes these silly lies up on a daily basis. She makes them up to extend her deadline instead of facing the truth." Mrs. Barrow sharply explained, having you all figured out like the files in her office. 

  Your dad had a grim look. He drown ed upon lying. Especially from his only daughter. "We shall settle this over lunch. We'll meet at your home, (Y/N). See you in an hour."

  The trio proceeded into the building.

  Great. See you at 3:43 P.M..


Word Count: 690 words

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