11:54 P.M. (part one)

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This will be a shorter chapter since I'm introducing peeps-

"Everything is fine."

She turned to leave but before she could leave, you spoke up. [BFF]! Wait!"

She paused, turning to you. "Yes..? What is it?"

"I-I.. I think it would do me some good to meet people.. It really would.." You spoke quietly and nervously. You didn't know if this would make things any better. But you were trying.

"[Name], if you don't wanna go, you don't have to go." She sighed, looking away from you. Convincing her was always difficult. You weren't sure how you were going to pull this off.

"But I do!" You responded quickly, barely even seconds after your friend said you didn't have to. "[BFF], your friends still sound weird to me, but it'd be unfair for me to just not meet them. So, I will gladly go with you."

Your friend seemed to pause for a minute, provesssing what you just said. "Um.. Okay, [Name]. If you say so.." She mumbled. "Let's just go get in the car." She went out the door and you followed, locking the door behind you two.


The two of you eventually arrived at the fair. By then, your friend was in a better mood and so were you. The two of you stepped out of the car and began to head to the entrance of the fair. You got your tickets and went inside, not saying anything to each other as excitement bubbled within you.

Flashing lights, laughter, yelling, music, sweet smells that made your mouth water.. All of this and more surrounded you. You looked around, almost overwhelmed by it all.

Your friend grinned widely. "I can't wait to see what kind of stuff they have! It'll be so much fun! Right, [Name]?" She glanced at you with excitement gracing her features.

"Yeah. It'll be fun.." The same feeling from before came back. You felt nervous. You didn't know why. You felt like your time was-..


You didn't know what gave you the sudden thought. You didn't know why it suddenly faded away. You couldn't remember what it was. You just lost your train of thought.

So far, you two had found eight rides, four games, five concession stands, and two food vendors for all of you to try. Once you all even made it to the fair, that is.

You soon found out that it would be very soon.

"Hey!" A familiar voice called out.

Could it be..?

Your friend turned to look. "Oh! Hey guys!"

You also turned to look. You saw a man with sideburns, another scrawny man who wore a hat, and finally.. Him.


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