8:00 P.M.

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Your friend was running late. You were impatiently waiting on the porch for them to arrive, bored as it is. "For fuck's sake.. Where is she?" You grumbled to yourself before seeing (Best Friend) pull up in your driveway.

You sighed out a, "Finally." before watching her walk to the porch. You both walk into the house before you turned to look at (Best Friend) with a grin. "So. Where are we headed?"

She grinned back, "So you know that seasonal amusement park, right?" She seemed to have a trick up her sleeve.

"Uh... Yeah! It's fall right now so.. Are there gonna be candy apples and shit?" You asked as a wide grin began to spread across your face. You were always into this kind of thing so you were down. And your friend knew it.

[BFF] grinned. "Heh. I kinda figured you'd ask that. And yes. There will be." She paused, stealing some candy off of your table. "My other friends said that they'd meet us there. They had to do some things." She continued with her explanation as she unwrapped the candy.

You frowned in distaste at your friend stealing YOUR candy. You paid an entire 50 cents for that candy. Only for it to be snagged by an oversized 5 year old. How unfortunate. And annoying. "Uhm.. Weird." You grabbed for the candy but your friend quickly dodged your hands with a snicker.

"What's so weird about it? They had to do stuff. I think they had to run errands." She shrugged the entire ordeal off as if it were normal. She leaned against the wall next to the door. She took a bite out of the candy, sticking her tongue out at you.

You rolled your eyes. "[BFF], who runs errands right before hanging out? You've got some weird friends."

She gave you a look.

"Other than me, dumbass." You rolled your eyes.

"[Name], you're just being reaaaaally paranoid for no reason. Like you've seen some shit." She paused to laugh. "And we both know you didn't. You rarely even leave your house."

You frowned, your face turning red with embarrassment. You hated that she was right. You rarely left your house. Because fuck people. You lightly punched her in the shoulder, the same pout staying on your face. This caused her to laugh.

"Oh, come on, [Nickname]! You can't be mad at me!" She grinned at you. "You know I'm right. That's why we're even meeting my friends in the first place." She finished off the candy, satisfied.

"I still think it's weird that they're doing errands right now.. Right before hanging out." You mumbled under your breath. Truthfully, you didn't even want to go anymore. You felt like you were being pressured into meeting people. You didn't like that.

"We should get going, [Name]. We're gonna be late." Your friend finally said, taking note of the time on her phone. It was 8:14 P.M. You were supposed to be there at 8:00 P.M.

"What's it matter, [BFF]? They're gonna get there later than us anyways." You sighed, leaning against the wall with your arms folded against your chest.

"Yeah, but the sooner we get there, the more time we have to pick out some shit for us to do when we're all together!" Your friend grinned widely. She was clearly excited about the whole thing. Too bad you weren't.

You just had to say it. She would never understand if you didn't. So you just went out and told her.

"I don't wanna go."




You winced at the sound of her voice. She sounded so hurt. "I just.. I know you're excited.. And you want me to meet people.. But.. It just doesn't feel right.. Something is just off. I don't know what it is.. It's a gut feeling." You finally managed to explain. You hoped it would clear things up. And possibly make things better.

She nodded slowly. "I don't know why you're so nervous.. I.." She paused. "I just wanted to have fun with all my friends.. It's been so long."

"But it's okay."

"Everything is fine."



I know it's short. I feel bad about that. But I'm figuring out the plot still. And since I have an idea of what I want this story to turn into, I can update more. I'll try to publish again soon.

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