4:42 P.M.

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  (This chapter may be short because I'm trying to build up to some shit-)

(But I'm posting multiple chapters ;D)

You had gotten away from the park. You didn't like the idea of being followed by some man in the woods. But I mean, it's for the sake of the plot. So it's fine, I guess. Anyways. You entered your humble abode and sat down on your couch with a heavy sigh.

   "What to do... I'm not going back to that damned park. I'll probably get attacked or something.." You sighed. You were not about to pull a book cliche. It's so overused. A girl goes to the park, gets in danger, and then goes back to the park and manages to get the criminal to fall in love with her. Not in my damn book.

  You were unsure of what you were thinking. Book? Impossible. This was reality. You pulled out your phone and powered it on, deciding to text your friend. You typed up a text.

Hey, (BFF name)

[Best Friend]
oh hey, (Y/N)!

what are you up to?

[Best Friend]
oh you know. the usual.
being a hoe :)

lmfao you wish

[Best Friend]
haha yeah i do.

[Best Friend]
hey. wanna meet my
other friends?

uhh sure. what time?

[Best Friend]
uhm. around 7:00. That
works right?

yeah that works. keep
being a hoe :)

[Best Friend]
You know I will ;)

Lmfao. Bye hoe

[Best Friend]
Bye bitch ;)


You let out a sigh. You actually had plans. You were curious as to who you were going to meet. You had a feeling that by chance it would be someone you already met. But who knew? You were just going to be surprised. You stood up with a stretch. It was time to get dressed.

You went to your bedroom and picked out a (color) hoodie and a/some skirt/jeans/shorts/whatever. You strode fumbled through your dresser drawers until you found a band tee shirt. You slipped it on and sighed. You slipped on your other clothes and went to pick out a pair of converse/heels/whatever. Once you slipped your shoes on, you left your room.

What were you going to do for four hours? You didn't know but you'd figure it out. You went and sat down on your bed with a huff. This was going to be some of the most boring hours ever.


Grave (Brian Thomas/Hoodie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now