9:00 A.M.

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(Guess who's bored at 3:00 A.M.? ME! :D -Hypedad)


You woke up at 3:00 A.M. because you were hungry. (Same though) You decided to call a 24/7 pizza place. Because who doesn't like pizza? (I'm SO sorry if you don't. Replace the word pizza with something else if you need to.)

When the food arrived, you tipped the dude because they literally just delivered food at 3:00 A.M. in the rain. They deserve a little recognition. You brought the food over to your table and ate in silence. You wish you didn't have to eat without any noise at all.

The stifling silence almost made it impossible to eat. It made your skin crawl after a while. You put the food away and returned to bed, hoping to get a few more hours of sleep before you had to get up for work.

You sighed before laying back down. You moved around, trying to get comfortable. You sighed, defeated when you realized the goal was impossible. You slid out of bed, going to the kitchen. You got out a room temperature water bottle, gulping it down.

You thought to yourself for a moment. You were going to call in sick. Because you could. You were 23 and you were going to call in sick. For no reason. (Lucky) You went back to bed, reading the alarm clock. It was 5:00 A.M. You got out your phone and called your boss. You told her you were gonna be sick.

"Yeah, Mrs. Barrow. I'm sure it's serious- .... Yeah, yeah.. I'll go to the doctor. Mhm. Yes ma'am. Bye." You hung up. Damn, that woman was a pain in the ass. You strolled over to your bed. You flopped back on it. Just two more hours of sleep. You closed your eyes and fell asleep.


You woke up at 7:00 A.M. You didn't even get three hours of sleep. Only two. And Jesus Mary and Joseph, did you feel like shit. You groaned and got out of bed, going to the bathroom. You brushed your hair and threw on a F/C hoodie, blue denim jeans, and F/C vans. You jogged out the door and got into your car.

You started it up, driving to the store. You parked near the entrance and jogged inside. You got everything you needed and started to head towards the checkout until you bumped into the man from the restaurant. Brian. How did you keep bumping into this guy?

"Hey! It's you again!" He grinned, chuckling at the coincidence.

(No it's illuminati, Brian.)

You halfheartedly laughed. "Yeah! What a coincidence!" You just wanted some bread, Christ sake.

He noticed that you weren't to impressed and stopped laughing. "Heh. I'll let you get finished shopping. I'll see you later!" He flashed the same crooked toothed smile before walking away.

You blinked. You? Later? See? Hell no. You just wanted a life in solitude, but this dude was messing it up. You checked out your groceries and went back to your car.

(Harsh. Even for me DX)

You started up the car and zipped home, ignoring Rosswood Park this time. You parked your car and leaned back in your seat at 9:00 A.M.


Word count: 544

I'm updating again today. -Hypedad

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