"Just a little further, you're nearly there"

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Requested: Yes! :)

My brain

Tells me to walk away

Not to go towards him

Not to say a single word

My heart yells in protest

Causing a collision

Between emotions and thoughts

But soon they work together

My heart has convinced my brain

That this attempt will not be lost

It will have a positive outcome

I continue to walk

Crossing the hallway

To where he sits

Reading his school book

Headphones in

Blocking out the outside world

Only a meter away

My heart is beating fast

Sending me the energy I need

My brain is telling me encouraging thoughts

"Just a little further,

You're nearly there"

He looks up at me with a grand smile

I look down at him with a shy smile

I say one syllable

Not knowing I just started

Years of loving conversation

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