Chapter 10

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Chloe's pov

I woke up and I made my grandma breakfast and then gave her, her pills.

"Do you need anything else abuela" I said and smiled

"No dear go find buddy a good home now" she said and smiled and I nodded.

"Come on buddy" I said and buddy stayed where he sat and layed down.

"Aw buddy. I don't wanna lose you either" I said and picked him up and went to the truck and put him in.

I drove to the one person I knew loved buddy and also wanted a dog.


I got to her house and knocked and she smiled.

"Chloe what a surprise I thought you were in Fairbanks?" Amanda said

"I was but I need a favor" I said and smiled

"Sure sure come in hi buddy" she said and smiled and he wagged his tail.

The good thing I knew was that buddy loved her too.

"So what's up" she said and smiled

"I need a home for buddy" I said and she frowned.

"Why what happened." She said

"My abuela. The cancer came back and they said it's more aggressive and the doctor said it's spreading way to fast for them to treat it my grandma just agreed to not do anything but die at home and so I'm here because I don't want her to go alone. When she does I need to sell the house she lives in and put her stuff in storage and sort through what I want to keep and what I don't wanna keep" I said and she grabbed my hand.

"I'm so sorry chloe" she said and I gave her a small smile.

"She deserves so much more though Amanda she deserved to live her life while she good but ended up stuck with me when my parents died" I said and she frowned.

"Why don't you take her to see fairbanks?" She said and smiled

"It really is beautiful over there right now" I said and smiled

"Right look I have so much vacation time I would glady use it to help I can go to your grandma's house and start moving the stuff" she said and I nodded

"You can do the dining room and living room just don't do the clothes you can throw away any shoes that aren't comfortable and um basically stuff she won't need" I said and she nodded

"I'll also take in buddy I mean I love this little stinker anyways" she said and smiled

"Thank you" I said and smiled

"Chloe you look like your doing so much better" she said

"I feel more alive to be honest I feel like I let go of what was dragging me down so much. I found my parents killer he ended up being dead though so I let go of the case" I said and she nodded

"I'm glad you know now you can move on. Chief misses you though." She said

"Oh that old man I miss him too I might go visit when I come back" I said and she nodded

"Well I'm gonna go here is a copy of my grandma's house key I'll be back in a few days" I said and smiled

"Alright have fun" she said and I gave her a hug and I left back to my grandma's house.

"Abuela" I said

When she didn't respond I started to get worried and I ran to her room and saw her asleep and I walked to her and I tapped her.

"Abuela" i said and I felt for her pulse.

"Yes" she said and I sighed relief

"Thank god" I said and smiled

"Anyways I wanted to take you somewhere for a few days I want to take you that way you can have some fun before you go" I said and she smiled

"Of course I'll go clo" she said and smiled

"Good I wasn't gonna take no for an answer" I said and smiled I packed her some clothes and I already knew I left some clothes at Henry's cabin so I didn't need to pack anything.

"Abuela don't get up I can carry you" I said

"Oh right you and tour super strength" she said and I chuckled.

I picked up my grandma and put her in the truck and smiled I got her comfortable and then I got in.

"Ready" I said and smiled

"Yes" she said and smiled I turned on the truck and we took off to Fairbanks.

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