Shake It Up

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(Oh yes, we're bout to switch it up bitchesss.

I'm sorry...

You're not a bitch. You're a wonderful person. Please don't leave me.

Okay into the real shit.)

Brendon sat cross-legged on Melanie's king-sized bed next to her, his head on Melanie's shoulder. Mel sat with her legs straight out and slightly parted, just enough for Gerard to sit between them. (In a not dirty way) Gerard faced the screen that was playing Sweeney Todd while she stroked his hair lovingly. Her eyes still glued to the T.V. like everyone else.

Pete sat on the other side of her, with his cup of tea in front of him and Tyler at his side. Josh had his head on Tyler's shoulder, and Tyler rested his head on Josh's. Both were sleeping soundly.

Ryan was asleep too. He sat on the floor next to Brendon with his head resting near his leg. His back was flat against the wall and Brendon pet his hair.

Dallon and Patrick laid across all of their legs like the sassy things they are. They watched intently, Dallon covering his eyes with a blanket and Patty wincing slightly when people were killed. Pete rested his tea on Patty's chest like a table and reassured them that it was just a movie and nothing would happen.

"Bren?" Ryan piped up from his corner. Brendon looked at him and hummed a 'yes?'. "I didn't fall asleep I swear," he said rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "But just to make sure you were paying attention, what happened in the last..." he checked his watch and yawned "Hour or so?"

Brendon laughed and ran his fingers through the younger boy's hair. Removing the flower crown and placed it atop his own head. "Like, everything. We can re-watch it at home," he smiled. Ryan nodded and laid back down, falling back asleep almost instantly.

At the foot of her bed sat Ashley, Andy, Meagan, Sarah, Kellin, Vic, Mikey, and Mikey F. They were all scattered around the floor tangled up in eachother.

Joe and Hurley sat on the floor on the opposite side of Josh and Tyler, playing games on their phone together.

Andy sat indian style against the foot of Melanie's bed, with everyone else cuddling around him. Ashley was sitting in front of him, laying back on his legs. He stroked her hair and twisted through it. Staring down at the girl with the most lovesick smile anyone had ever seen. Ashley, however, couldn't see it because she kept falling asleep.

Andy's smile was wiped away rather quickly when a flash of light went of next to him and a click. "Fuck, I thought I turned off the flash..." Mikey Way said, getting up from his place in other Mikey's arms. (I have wierd ships but it just felt right to me...)

"Michael Way, I swear to fucking-" he whisper-yelled being cut off by Ashley sitting straight up. "What's wrong?" She yawned and streched a little. Mikey smiler smugly at Andy, who was shaking his head madly at him. Everyone else was more interested in this than the movie.

Well, everyone except Pete who was yelling at Vic to move out of the way from the T.V. screen. This, waking up Josh and Tyler who were now fixed on Mikey's shenanigans.

Gerard tried to get off the bed and failing since Patrick and Dallon were on his legs. Gerard twisted trying to get up, making Patrick fall on Ryan and start a heated argument. Meanwhile, Pete, Kellin, Dallon, and Vic where spewing venom to eachother about how Vic was always in the way and Pete was too touchy.

Brendon tried to leave and use the bathroom, tripping over Meagan, then falling on top of Sarah. He got yelled at by Meagan about staying away from her fiance. They also argued about how she needs to 'calm her tits' and how he has the bladder of a pregnant woman.

Andy kept trying to reassure Ashley nothing happened and Mikey was running from Fuentes with his phone across the house. "Enough!" The whole room went silent and stared at Melanie. "We're all friends! Is this how we treat eachother?"

Josh and Tyler sank down to the floor between the matress and the wall next to Hurley and Trohman. Both couples had no one to fight with, so they just hid away trying avoid social interaction.

"We-" she was cut off by loud notification sounds on everyone's phone and then a laugh and thud from downstairs. "I did it!"

"Michael James Way Te juro que te cortaré en pedacitos y te daré de comer a tu perro si no borras esa imagen en este momento," Fuentes yelled at him. Vic and Kellin laughed at his reaction. (I used google translate because is only baby still learning the e-spaniels so apologies if this is wrong)

Andy pulled out his phone and checked the notification in a panicked manner, causing everyone else to check too. "Insta?" Andy asked. "Insta," (maybe insta can be our always... sorry, I'm trash...) they all replied simultaneously. Andy groaned and everyone gasped and looked at him.

Including Ashley.

"Andy?" she studdered out. "Can I talk to you," she whispered, "outside?" Andy nodded and walked out. They could hear Fuentes and Mikey yelling at eachother, as well as childish giggles from Mikey. As they walked past the kitchen, they saw Way sitting on top of the fridge and Fuentes trying to knock him down with a broom. Probably swearing in Spanish.

Andy and Ashley slipped on their jackets and shoes and walked out into the cold. They could see their breath in the air in front of them. The two stood in the dark under a flickering streetlight.

Andy stared at the vacant 10 o'clock streets trying tl distract himself. "So uh... about that picture, I just..." he stopped and looked at the floor.

Ashley picked up his chin and stared at him, before hesitantly pressing her lips against his. She closed her eyes and prayed she did the right thing. He was shocked for a moment and froze. He didn't know what to do so he kinda fanboyed for a second, but slowly melted into it. His eyes fluttered closed and he did what felt right.

They fell into eachother and he placed his hands on her hips, then reached back and rested his hands in the back pockets of her floral jeans. While she wrapped his arms around his neck, running his fingers through his hair. They saw another like, 10 flashes and a few 'aww's. They pulled apart quickly and shoved their hands in their jacket pockets like flustered teenagers. Everyone stood in the around them smiling and looking at their new pictures. Ashley's cheeks were redder than they were from the cold weather.

"If this is what they do without misletoe, what would they do with it?" Dallon asked from the silence. "What would we do," Ryan laughed at Bren and Dall, taking back his flower crown and adjusting his skirt over his thigh-high socks. (I love cross-dressing Ryan, he looks so good in it.)

Melanie pushed everyone back upstairs and they all regained their positions. Ashley looked down at the snow on the ground and felt a hand sliding into her pocket with hers.

Andy took her hand and smiled. She grinned back and they walked upstairs together, going back to their places on the floor. Melanie played the movie where they left off and Ashley and Andy didn't leave eachother's side all night.


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