The 5 Days of Christmas (4)

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(I honestly have no clue why, but I wanted them to do a Christmas play. So here's Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer y'all. It's all going to shit by the way.)

Everyone was in their seats. It was finally time for the Christmas play Brendon and his friends were going to put on. The crowd murmured with excitement. "It's time," one said. "This might be cool," said another.

"This play is stupid and Brendon is stupid for doing it. Who allowed them to do this?" Asked an insignificant human being who will not be mentioned ever again and is probably being kidnapped and tortured this very second but, hey, I'm just an author. What do I know, right?

The lights dimmed and it was finally time to start. Brendon decided to be a backstage narrator. This was a last minute decision because he was drunk as all hell and was not allowed to be onstage.

"It was the summer of 2001," Brendon started. It sounded as though a duck screamed into the microphone. Then, laughter was heard in the speakers.

"I mean, on a very special Christmas, Rud- Rand- fuck, how do you say this? Rudolf? Rudolf. Like Adolf? What the fuck are we teaching the tiny ones?" Parents began to take their children out of the theater.

"Anyways, the reindeer with a deformity was born." there was another duck screech and the microphone was turned off. The lights brightened on the stage to reveal Patrick in a brown pair of pants and a lighter brown shirt. He had make-up like a deer and a reindeer headband. The finishing touch was a bright red nose you can get at dollar tree. (Go buy it folks. Sorry, I'm a promo hoe even if it isn't my own. Kill me.)

He was standing next to Andy and Dallon, who were dressed as reindeers as well. Supposedly his parents. They made him look even shorter than he was. Dallon, who was the mother, pet Patrick and smiled. "You'll do great things some day, my boy. My little Rudolf," Dallon said in a high-pitched voice.

The stage went dark again and Brendon's voice boomed through the speakers. "So, I just read this?" he seemed to be having a conversation with someone else backstage. "Okay, got it. But not everyone was as accepting of poor Rudolf. So we're sympathizing Hitler's deformed brother or something?"

The lights brightened up again and 'Rudolf' was sitting in the middle of the stage covering his nose, while the other reindeer (Gerard, Mikey, Vic, Kellin, and Mike F.) laughed and pointed. (As soon as they went off stage Gerard apologized repeatedly to Patrick and Patrick assured Gerard it was just a play and it didn't upset him. Sooo, no Pattycakes were hurt in the making of this film.)

'Rudolf' was wandering around the stage that was now set up like a snowy forest. Frank and Ryan were dressed as fairies, as they followed Rudolf. "Why are you sad?" asked Ryan in his highest fairy voice. Frank and Ryan had matching rainbow skirts, white shirts, thigh high socks, flower crowns, and rainbow wings.

"Because everyone makes fun of my nose," Patrick said, acting very very sad. A thud was heard backstage and grunting.

"No!" Brendon yelled. "It's my fucking play, I'll be out there if I want to!" Brendon ran onto the stage completely naked. "Rudolf the red nosed reindeer," he started to sing. Dallon ran after him and tied a long sleeve shirt around Brendon's waist. Then Andy B. came out and apologised and said they could not continue the play. He wished them all a merry Christmas and everyone ran out from backstage, into the crowd, and out the door. People were cheering and clapping as they left.

Brendon swears to this day someone flashed him.

(Merry Christmas Eve or whatever you celebrate you hershey drops! I wish you all the best my beautiful little emos, yeemos, and everything inbetweenos!!)

(666 words wow.)

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