The Gayest Wedding You've Ever Been Invited To

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It was finally the day.

The very day.

A set of gays and a set of lesbians were getting married on this day. Not only to confuse the hell out of everyone else, but to prove they weren't confused.

Sarah was putting on her long, white dress, as she would be the bride. While Meagan put on her white and black, shorter dress, to semi-resemble a groomsbride. This dress was not too short to put out an image to her family that she was gay and a whore.

While Meagan had her friends Dodie, Jessie, and Ashley do her makeup. Sarah had Ryan, Gerard, and Pete to do hers.

Needless to say one of them was freaking out about their makeup. Meagan had accidentally put lipliner in her eye (God knows how) and was now panicking.

Dodie fixed her white and blue striped top and leading her to the bathroom. "Don't worry. Listen, your dress is fine, and Sarah is still gonna be there when you get to the altar so it's fine."

Jessie and Ashley rushed into the hotel bathroom with the two girls to see what was going on.

Dodie had a white skirt and a light purple shirt to match the purple in her corsage. Along with that purple, she had a darker one and a pink to represent her bisexuality.

Ashley wore a hot pink skirt and a white shirt. She also had her hair colored different an ombre style of hot pink to light pink, since she was full on lesbian.

Jessie just wore a white dress and flats because she was pretty straight but still looked beautiful regardless.

Meagan nodded as she got to the sink and washed her eye. "Yeah... But what if she got cold feet. She has Frank. Frank said if she got cold feet he could help her. What of she got cold feet? What if she's in Vegas right now?"

Dodie rubbed her back and shushed her. "That won't happen. You truly think she'd give up something she's worked 7 years for?" Meagan shook her head and went back to the other girls. Ashley handed her a bottle of coconut rum.

Meagan looked at it, then her, then it again. "Drink it," Ashley said and tipped the bottle to Meagan's lips.

"Isn't that like... bad?" Jessie asked Ashley, running her fingers through her blue hair nervously and reaching for more makeup to put on Meagan.

"Oh, shush," Ashley said in response and added blush to Meagan's face. "It'll give her a natural blush for being buzzed."

Meagan drank a bit and twisted her face at the strong taste. "I can't be drunk at my wedding Ms. Frangipane." She handed it back to Ashley. Ashley took a swig and texted Andy B. to see how it was with Hurley.

In Hurley's dressing room, it was basically a party. Loud music, drinking for everyone, except the groom which sucked for Andy.

There was only Frank, Andy, and Brendon in the room so it wasn't that boring at least.

Andy B. wore a black suit and a white button down and tie.

Brendon wore a rainbow colored suit and white button down because he was extra as fuck.

Frank had a pair of rainbow suspenders on top of his white button down he wore with black suit pants.

Brendon and Frank knew better than to be shitfaced at a wedding so they drank a few shots and ended it there. Hurley combed his hair and put on his suit.

Meagan's room was next to Andy's so it wasn't hard for them to get in the same black limo as "groom figures".

Andy smoothed his black suit and fixed his rainbow pride tie. He looked at himself in the mirror and was indeed, very proud this day. He smiled at his reflection, finally taking in that this was the day he'd been waiting for since he met Andy.

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