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So... some stuff went down and I was't going to be able to update anymore.

Still on stand-by about the decision (not my idea of course) but until then, you little lovely emo's, yeemo's, and everything in betweeno's get updates!!

Since Christmas is super close, I'm doing a thing called 'The 5 Days of Christmas'. (I was gonna do 12 but smol bean writer not v creative.)

There will be five extra-special updates just for you little moonbeams.

They probably won't be that great but hey, they're extra-special and just for you.

The second (because today is the first and I didn't ask yesterday like a dumbass) is a chapter (more or less) written by you Tinsel Twats. (since there are almost 300 readers I figured this might be a good idea to do this...)

Then a character ask I guess. And then the other two are surprises. (I may not be able to update on Christmas because devorced parents=Christmas at two houses + like 3 parties + travelling to Georgia to see grandparents.

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