The 5 Days of Christmas (1)

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On the first day of Christmas my author wrote for me:

A secret santa thing... uh... yee?

Everyone sat in Tyler and Josh's living room. There was a small coffee table with a glass santa cookie jar on it. "Okay everyone," Tylee clapped his hands excitedly.

"I put everyone's name in here. They're all the same color so nobody knows who's who," he explained pointing at the cookie jar. "All you have to do is pull a name and then I'll write it down on my phone." Mikey W. raised his hand.

Tyler nodded at him for him to speak. "Why do you get to know?" Mikey asked. "Because it's my idea and last time I did this with a different group of friends, they weren't responsible enough to write it down" Tyler answered.

"Do you think we aren't responsible enough?" Mikey asked again. "Do you think you're responsible enough?" Tyler questioned in response.

Everyone in the room except Tyler and Mikey shook their heads. "Exactly," Tyler said and pulled off the glass hat from the small Santa figure.

"It'll go in a circle to the left from me," Tyler said and reached in. Ashley started humming to the left making everyone around her giggle. When Tyler pulled out his paper he laughed and put it back to draw another one. "I drew me."

He pulled another card, laughed again, and put it back. "Me again," (This literally happened to me today)

He pulled a third card and finally read a different name. He wrote the name down on his phone and smiled.

Josh was the next to pull. He reached in, opened it, and showed Tyler. Tyler wrote their name. This went around the circle until everyone was finished.

"Make sure you all remember and if you ever forget, text me. Make sure you don't tell anyone who you got or what you want," Tyler said and covered back up the glass cookie jar.

"You can stay for a Christmas movie marathon or leave to be a Scrooge your whole lives," he said and gestured toward the door. Everyone just turned toward the T.V. and made themselves comfortable.

"Well, no bah hummbug then," he chuckled at his joke and turned on the T.V. He read over his list once more while Josh picked a movie.

Tyler - Josh
Josh - Tyler
Brendon - Dallon
Dallon - Ryan
Ryan - Brendon
Patrick - Andy H.
Pete - Patrick
Joe - Pete
Andy H. - Joe
Vic - Gerard
Kellin - Vic
Mike F.- Kellin
Frank - Andy B.
Gerard - Mike F.
Mikey W. - Frank
Ashley - Meagan
Andy B. - Ashley
Meagan - Sarah
Sarah - Mikey W.

'This is rigged' he thought and chuckled. He slipped his phone back in his pocket and watched 'The Santa Clause' with everyone.

(Fun Fact: I shipped Andy and Ashley because I wanted Ashley Purdy but my editor said that would be way too many matching names so I couldn't ;-;)

Wow this is late. Yay me. So sorry guys.

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