The Gayest Wedding You've Ever Been Invited To PT. 2

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"My turn!" Andy piped up.

"Joeseph Mark Trohman. I've been waiting since the 6th grade to have that last name signed right after my first. Not only in the back of my notebook, but also on checks, on my drivers liscense, on everything I had to sign. I wanted to be yours.

"I'm so happy that it's finally happening. I've loved you for years on end and I can't wait to make that so many more. I want to be bound to you in sickness and in health, until death do we part, only to be reunited again as ghosts or something.

"I never want to leave your side. And I never want you to leave mine. I want to love you until the day we die. And that's exactly my plan when this is over."

"I totally won," Joe said. Everyone laughed. "You did," Andy said.

"Sarah Orzechowski, you mean so much to me. Hopefully this is the last time I'll be calling you by that name and we'll share one. You've always been the one I turn to and the one I lean on.

"I want you to be as happy as I am when I see you every day. I want nothing but the best for you. I want you to be the one I raise a family with, the one I wake up to every day, the one I cook pancakes for in heart shapes on Valentine's day and make corny jokes because I know you'll laugh.

"I want to make you as happy as I am every day of your life. I love you. I always will. You're the love of my life and I don't ever want that to change."

Now it was Sarah's turn to cry. She'd been longing for this day and it was here.

"Meagan, Andy. Do you take your Wife and husband, in sickness, and in health? Through trials and tribulations? To have and to hold, until death do you part?" The priest said.

"I do." Andy and Meagan said in unison. Joe and Sarah had never been so happy.

"Sarah and Joe. Do you take your Wife and husband, in sickness and in health? Through trials and tribulations? To have and to hold, until death do you part?"

"I do."

The priest closed his bible. "Well then, by the power vested in me by the people of this city and the God above, I now pronounce you wife and wife, and husband and husband. You may now kiss your partner."

Joe didn't waste any time making the first move. Sarah and Meagan were shy and awkward, per usual. "I love you," Sarah said and leaned in. Meagan pressed her lips softly against Sarah's, then pulled her closer to deepen the kiss.

Everyone went crazy. They were cheering and clapping. Both parties pulled away at the same time and laughed. They looked at eachother and started running down the aisle with their bride and groom. They both got into their separate limos and headed to the reception.

It was at some sort of country club. They took pictures out in the front of it in the grass. Under the trees and by the rosebushes.

Then they went inside. There were at least 25 tables, each with 5 chairs and extras in the corner. There were cold plates and silverware. White and pink roses decorated the tables.

Dodie headed onto the stage immediately. "Welcome our new couples!" She yelled as the two pairs of newlyweds walked in. Everyone cheered for them and clapped. Even Mikey was happy.

They all sat down at their assigned spots with their names on it. Each nametag had a bell with a pink ribbon tied to the top next to it. "Ring for the brides to kiss." It read in cursive letters. Next to that bell was another one with a blue ribbon. "Ring for the husband's to kiss."

"This is corny as shit," Pete laughed. Patrick picked up the blue bell and shook it violently.

Andy and Joe kissed again. They laughed at the sight of this short man in a suit ringing a bell vigorously.

Ashley picked up a pink bell and shook it a little. It sounded different than the one with the blue ribbon so that was good. They could tell them apart. Sarah and Meagan kissed at the sound of the bell too.

When food was brought out for everyone, they laughed and ate and drank. It was a good time for everyone. When they were finally done eating, the newlyweds cut the cake. It was large. One long cake connecting two tower-like figures on either end of it. There were three tiers on both towers.

Meagan was in the front holding the knife, Sarah was behind her on the left side, holding Meagan's hand. Joe was on the right side with Andy behind him, guiding his hand to cut even slices. After the cake was cut, they sat down at their tables.

"Did we forget something," asked Sarah. Meagan swallowed her cake. "Did we? I don't think so." Yeah, I think we did," Sarah replied and picked up a but of her cake. "What is it-" Meagan was cut off when Sarah threw a bit of cake at her. She was shocked for a moment while Sarah was laughing.

"You motherf-" she was cut off again by more cake. "Oh, two can play at that game!" Meagan picked up her whole slice and rubbed it all over Sarah.

"Do you think we should-" Andy didn't finish his sentence because Joe three cake at him now. Andy laughed and wiped the cake off his eyelids. His smile turned into a mock sinister one. "Joey, baby. Give me a hug," Andy said extending his arms and moving toward Joe. "No, no. Nononono," Joe said moving backwards.

Andy grabbed him and hugged him, rubbing the cake all over Joe's face. "Okay okay I give!" Joe yelled. "You win." Someone rang the bell for Andy and Joe. Joe leaned over and closed the gap between them.

"One of the sweetest kisses I've had so far," Andy said licking his lips. "I love this frosting," Joe said, wipingsome cake off his face with his finger and eating it. Andy was wiping his face with a napkin.

Meagan cleaned Sarah's face and Sarah cleaned Meagan's. "I love you," Sarah muttered. "I love you more," Meagan whispered.

"It's now time for the couples song," Dodie announced. "I will be singing for the Campers and Tyler will sing for the Trohmans."

The two pairs of newly weds made their way to the dance floor. Sarah took Meagan's hand and placed her other hand on Meagan's waist. Meagan put her hand on Sarah's shoulder. Joe and Andy mimicked this form.

Dodie began playing her ukulele a slow tune.



in your mouth

touching feet

Meagan pulled Sarah's body closer to hers, Sarah wrapping her arms around Meagan's neck. They slowly swayed back and forth together.

Couples from their tables slowly got up and joined them. Pete and Patrick were the first ones. Mike Fuentes, Mikey Way, Kellin, and Vic soon followed. Then Ashley and Andy B. Brendon took turns dancing with Dallon and Ryan.

Oh, I'm afraid
of the things in my brain.

But we
can stay here
and laugh away the fear



You create a rarity
of my genuine smiles so breathe

Breathe with me

Can you drink
all my thoughts?

'Cause I can't stand

"I love you," Meagan whispered. "I love you more," Sarah whispered back.

"I love you most."

(LOOK AT THAT SHIT YES BOO YOU MARRY EACHOTHER WHOOP. Happy Valentine's Day even though I'm a few hours late fuck. Love y'all emo and yeemo slutbags ❤❤)

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