Doctor appointment

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Jungkook POV

It was the next day as yesterday I went out with Jimin. We met 2 members of Got7 and we had a really good day. I continued to play games with Jimin and Hobi hyung afterwards.

But today, I have to go to a doctor's appointment with Jin hyung. We have to find out whats wrong with me and my legs.

As we arrive at the clinic, Jin hyung goes to the trunk to get my wheelchair that Jimin got me. He began to open it as my manager opened the car door to help Jin out a bit.

"You ready Jungkook?" He asked me and I nodded. He then carried me out if the car and placed me into the wheelchair. Knowing Jin hyung, he wouldn't want to make my legs worse so he just carried me.

We then go inside and wait for the nurse to call me in when the doctor is ready for me.

"Hyung, do you have any water?" I ask as my throat begins to feel dry.

"Yeah, here." Jin says as he passed me an unopened bottle.

As I begin to drink some I then here the nurse get up asks go to the back and get ready to call the next name. When she walked back in, I had already finished drinking some water.

"Jeon Jungkook?" The nurse called and I raised my hand a bit to show I was here.

Jin hyung then helped to push me to go see the Doctor. We passed through a pair of double doors, then the nurse pointed to the room I am supposed to be in.

When we walked into the room we saw a person sitting at the computer typing in something.

"Are you the doctor?" Jin hyung asked the man and the man nodded in response.

"Please have a seat. Who is Jeon Jungkook?" The doctor asked and I raised my hand.

"So what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked showing me a smile.

"I don't exactly have the ability to walk." I said nervously.

"Are you not normally like this?" The doctor asked and I shook my head in response.

"Were you able to walk at one point?" He asked and I nodded my head in response.

"When was the last time you walked?"

"About 2 months ago." I said.

"Were you able to walk completely fine with no problems?" 


"Do you have any idea of what could've caused this?" I began to think about this question when I then remembered what exactly happened last time.

"Um...well...I was showering. When I was washing my hair I finished rinsing it, I turned and saw a spider. I am very scared of them." I said lying to the doctor.

The doctor laughed a bit as he then continued to say, "Should be a bit more careful. Well I'll prescribe some pain killers. For now, lets take some x-rays."

We then followed the doctor out of the room to the 2nd floor where they take the x-rays. As Jin pushed my wheelchair, I looked around and into every room we passed by. We soon arrived to one of the x-ray rooms.

"You said you couldn't walk, correct?" The Doctor asked.

"Yeah, but I can feel them." I responded.

"Well I don't want you to put pressure on your legs that might already be there, so can the you help him inside?" He asked while gesturing his hand towards Jin, meaning the doctor wanted him to help me.

"Yes, of course." Jin said.

He then put the brakes on the wheelchair and looked towards me with a confused look.

"Is there a specific way you want me to help you?"

"Anyway is fine."

"Okay then, I'll just carry you." He said as he then wrapped one of his arms around my waist as the other held my legs. As he did so I can feel a light blush creep onto my face.

"Is this okay?" He asked worrying about me.

"Yes its fine." I responded.

*Time skip*

Once I finished taking my x-rays, Jin carried me back to my wheelchair and the doctor had a nurse lead us back to our room. We then had to wait for the doctor to return with the x-ray results.

The doctor then knocked on the door and walked in. He didn't say anything yet as he continued to the computer to pull up my X-rays.

"So do you see anything wrong with this?" The doctor asked me.

"Um, no not really it looks normal to me. Is there something there?" I asked and he simply shook his head.

"No, there is nothing wrong with your legs. But I have no idea what is wrong with you." He said as he began t scratch his head.

"I think it might be a temporary paralysis. You must've fell quite hard and hit something where it caused a nerve to rupture. But no surgery is needed." The Doctor said and I sighed in relief.

"But to help with the pain you will have to not walk for about 2 months."

"What will happen if he continues to put pressure on it?"

"Well, he could end up stressing out his body which can lead to him being permanently paralyzed. I will give you a cast for both of your legs and some pain killers." The doctor said as he left the room and went to go get the prescription.

Once the doctor left, I turned towards Seokjin hyung and asked, "What am I supposed to do with our band members?"

"Don't worry, your health is what is important right now." Jin said as he grabbed the prescription and helped me out of the hospital to take me home.

*Time Skip*

As we arrived home, Jin went in before hand to get some space for me with my wheelchair.  As I waited outside, someone touched my shoulder and when I looked it was...

To be continued...

A/N: Sorry for the cliff hanger. I will make sure to update next month. Maybe next week, depending on when I finish the next chapter.

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