chapter 5.

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The professor starts talking and he is sitting in the back corner.  He didn't stand up and excuse for coming to the wrong class or just stand up and leave. I think he would definitely do the second one though, but he doesn't. 

"Please leave your analysis on my desk and don't forget to write your name, your grades will be online in a week," the professor says. 

As my seat is at the front corner, I just stand up, take a step and place it on his desk. Then I sit down.

All my questions are answered when I see Harry placing his work on the desk. He stays a few seconds there but I can't see what he is doing. I just see his back which reminds me when I saw it at the library when he was walking away with the book. 

How could I be so stupid? The reason he borrowed the book was because he had to do the same project as me. 

But what the heck is he doing here? He is supposed to be skipping chemistry class or something.

I glance at my watch. Only 20 minutes and this college year will be over. 

As I look up again, everyone is already in their places and the proffesor starts talking about the importance of taking this class again this year. I'm personally going to take it again, I became fond of it and I get really good grades.

The bell rings and everyone rushes to get out of the room. I wait for everyone to get out and finally leave to meet my friends at the campus.


I'm with Lydia next to a tree waiting for Zayn. When we see him coming, he is with all his soccer mates.

I've never talked to them, except for Harry, plus they are a lot. I just remember their names for hearing them all the time when I'm at their matches with Lydia. As they are closer, I see he only came with about 6 or 7. I see Liam, Louis, Niall, Ashton, three others whose names I can't remember and of course, Harry, and he is with a chick. 

Maybe that's his girlfriend? 

I don't know. I don't care.

I bet he will dump her in a week because he likes another girl.

And he will do the same with the other one. 

And again, and again, and again.

Can I please stop thinking about this stuff? 

I don't care.

What's going on with life that I see him every place I go?

"Hey," Lydia says and Zayn places a short kiss on her lips.

I hear lots of 'hi's" and "hey's" from his mates.

Harry and I exchange looks and I look down. His arm is around that girl's waist answering my thoughts.

"So who's coming to my cousin's party tonight? It's going to be big!" Louis almost yells with excitement.

Everybody answers yes with the same excitement as his.

"Avie you should go!" Zayn says and puts his arm around my neck.


"Of course you are coming!" Louis says. He seems to be cool but my answer is no.

"I don't think so," 

"Please Avie, it will be fun, I promise!" Lydia says and most of them nod in agreement.

"Thanks Lydia but no," 

"Okay, you choose," She answers.

We keep chatting about the camp a couple more minutes and finally we all say goodbye. 

As I'm walking to the bus stop I see Harry getting into his car, he is not with that girl anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if he had dumped her already.

He looks at me and I try to ignore him again. This time I succeed. 

Even though I'm trying to forget about what he said this morning, something inside me wishes I hadn't succeeded in ignoring him and would like he had stopped me to apologize....


I'm back home and I see my mom watching TV but I ignore her. I'm not really mad at her but I just don't feel like talking with her right now, so I rush upstairs.

I spend the rest of the afternoon texting Lydia and watching series on the TV. It's almost dark outside and I think I will stay home and order some pizza.

*I have to go now, gonna get ready for the party.* Lydia texts me.

I was expecting to text my friend all night but I completely forgot she is going to a party while I'm staying here all alone. I have always preferred that rather than going out, but this time, this time I feel different. I decide to try. 

*What's Louis' cousin address?* I send before I can regret.

(Hey guys!! So, next chapter it's the party.... Lot's of things will happen there but you will have to keep reading to find out. I hope you are all enjoying the first chapters, I am!!.Thanks for reading this fanfic xx)

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