Chapter 7

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We had arrived at the hotel after our little city escapade. The boys asked all of us if it would be alright to accompany us to our hotel rooms. Even though I strongly wanted to protest this, all of the other girls quickly agreed to allowing them to lead us to our rooms. I was obviously outnumbered so I silently followed the girls as the boys called the elevator. The whole time Samantha and Bonnie were chatting amongst themselves while Sadie kept constanly checking her phone like she was waiting for a text that could change her life. Lila on the other hand was talking with Zayn. I believe she was the only one of us actually talking with one of the guys even though everyone insisted they come. I kept awkwardly waiting in the back looking at everyone. Then my eyes caught the sad look of Harry, it seemed ass though his flower plan didn't work out because he was still holding the same rose from the market but this time with a defeated expression.

I wanted to comfort him but then I remembered my place, I'm not one of them, I am someone who enhances what they do and to be quite honest would never be able to handle the spotlight the way that they do. Accepting all the hate, being modest while accepting such grace and praise, as well as, being hilarious and charismatic. Those are all qualities I guess God forgot to put in my infrastructure. Then I looked to see who he was staring at, but Zayn's jedwardized hair blocked my vision. I soon was standing on my tippy toes when almost fell forward but someone pulled me back into their chest. Again, it seems, I am looking at this golden Irish boy who slowly is breaking my heart apart and stealing it in chunks.

"Better watch yourself now. Wouldn't want ya fallin' and making a fool of yourself," Niall said in low whisper. I cleared my throat and popped myself from his chest onto my feet. I smoothed my shirt and turned only to find him discussing an apparently funny topic with Liam. Then I wondered how his crush on Sam was going. I mean its hard to get a word in with her edge wise when Bonnie was around, however I'm sure those two could disconnected from the hip for at least two hours, which should be plenty of time for him to muster up some confidence and ask her out once he realizes he has an opportunity, however he is a boy and they are known for being oblivious.

Finally the elevator reach dour floor and we all piled into a car that I'm sure we were exceeding it's maximum weight capacity. Although, the main elephant in the room was the sexual tension that seemed to continue building among us. Although it was still a little unclear as to who it was between. I mean I'm sure we all knew who we liked, however the coincidence that it was mutual was unlikely. I'm sure it had to overlap somewhere, but to believe that everything was perfect is still a nice thought.

Then, I looked to Niall. Who else would crush on him? Yet the better question is who wouldn't want to crush on him? The pronounced strong Irish accent that made you melt once he spoke. The striking and ever so soulful blue eyes as well as the ever present smile that brightens any dull room. And of course the perfect theme song to my daydreaming is Barbie Girl being sung by the famous Louis Tomlinson trying to break the silence. The door then opened and each of us filed out and headed towards Sadie's room since that had become, as of last night, our official hang out. When we all stood outside the door waiting on Sadie to finally fish the room key out of her trumpet case, she popped it through the slide and with the little tune that played just before flashing a green light that allowed us access.

"So, this is it, a bedroom slash bathroom slash kitchen slash office all rolled into one barely breathable space now holding six past it's occupancy," Sadie announced as she set her trumpet case and bag on the floor near her suitcase.

"All I know is I am officially exhausted. I mean dancing for ten hours was one thing but then being scared that I was going to get shanked in a mob was another thing," Bonnie says as she collapses onto the bed nearest the window.

"Lazy bones, you still have the show tomorrow," Samantha reminded her and then you heard a muffled moan from Bonnie and we all had to laugh. Then I noticed Lila and Zayn still were at their little conversation they were having which to be honest, looked like one of those Titanic like movies where it starts super passionate but burns out in the end. I realized my view on love a while ago was very pessimistic and that's probably because I've never experienced it before yet when I think of all the times I want that hopeful romantic moment, I picture the most surprising and unconventional ways.

"So, have you figured out which one I like?" Sadie whisper-asked me. I looked around, I knew exactly who it was. I whispered the name in her ear and she nodded with the biggest grin.

"So when are you gong to tell him?" I asked.

"Um never. How many girls do you think have asked him out and he says yes only because he counts on the fact that they're only saying that because the love the idea of him. So it's best I keep this one little thing all to myself."

"Whatever you say. All I know is that I think those feelings are pretty mutual, Sadie."

"Yeah well Niall seems to be showing quite the favoritism towards a certain blonde," she smirked.

"Who, you?" I asked with a coy smile.

"No, we all know its you. So when you going to ask him out?" Sadie asked with big pleading eyes.

"Never, because we all know that I'm just the girl he likes right now, not forever."

And with that. I got up without a word and as Louis told a story and everyone was preoccupied with his hilarity, I snuck through the door to my room where I collapsed on sheets that should have made me melt. Then I tossed and turned for hours until tiring myself into a dreamless sleep.

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