Chapter 15

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The show that night went off without a hitch. It was absolutely amazing with the guys acting as silly and rambunctious as usual. Soon, the show ended and all the energy that I was feeding off of soon died out as was replaced by the anxiety for tonight. I was so scared that tonight, Miss Walters would see me and either start a rumor or tell me off right in front of everyone. Or even worse she'll act as if we are best friends and it will be completely awkward. I was walking towards Sadie when I saw her get pulled aside by Louis, I began walking by the room he pulled her in when I heard my name.

"So, what is the whole story behind the Keigan-Hallie thing?" Louis asked while leaning on the bar behind him. Sadie stepped forward and stood between his legs. After this I stood near the door peering in as they continued the conversation.

"Hallie heard this rumor that Keigan slept with and threatened the judges and she continues to make fun of her for it," Sadie whispered for fear of anyone else hearing it.

"Well, that's just ridiculous. That doesn't sound like Keigan at all," Louis quietly hushed back.

"It doesn't sound like her? It isn't her," she defended while whisper shouting. She then backed up a little from between Louis' legs. Then he snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him and whispered to her.

"I know it isn't and I also know that Niall may be head over heels for Hallie, but I also know he fancies Keigan so if she just sticks it out I'm sure Niall will catch on to Hallie's negative vibe and change his mind."

"I sure hope he does, I'm sure Keigan is really torn apart over this."

That's when I felt the conversation ending so I continued walking down the hall in no particular direction. Maybe I should listen to Louis and just wait it out, but saying that and doing it are two totally different things. Because while doing it I will have to put up with them holding hands, and kissing each other romantically, and being all lovey dovey. It will just make being here all the more unbearable. Dreams can be hard to pursue when the obstacles keep getting bigger.

"Hey babe, still feeling a little low from lunch?" Lila asked sweetly while placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I guess, but I wanted you and the others to know how thankful I am that you guys stood up for me even though the boys were a little against you in the heat of the moment," I told her apologetically.

"Hey, we would stand up for you in a heart beat and after talking with Zayn, he completely understands why I had a slight temper when talking with Hallie," she answered then smiled at somethingn behind me so I turned and saw Zayn standing talking with some stage man and it was all too adorable because Baby Lux, their stylist's gorgeous baby, was settled on his hip and playing with the buttons on his jacket.

"So, did all of you have small one-on-ones with your boys to clear the air? Because first I saw Sadie and Louis and now you and Zayn?" I jokingly asked while regaining her full attention away from Zayn's alluring ski slope like hair.

"Well, I thought it was just me, but I can see why everyone would want to explain their behaviour earlier, I mean you have to admit we all seemed a little out of character. And Zayn is not 'my boy'," she answered although a small smile was tuggin at her lips so I gave her an all-knowing smirk, and when she looked up from the ground to see it, she playfully punched my shoulder.

"Well, he isn't but that doesn't mean I don't want him to be," she replied. "So let's go get ready for tonight, it's better to support a relationship you absolutely hate while looking fabulous."

So she linked arms with me and we walked two blocks, through a crowd, and some hotel security mishap to get back to our hotel room. So, when we arrived I opened the door to what looked like a spa catastrophe. Make-up was everywhere, it was slightly humid from the numerous showers, and clothes were strewn over every piece of furniture. I'm assuming Samantha, Bonnie, and Sadie were here and were getting ready quickly.

"Okay, so first things first this oversized sweater has got to go. And I'm thinking this button up dress shirt with the jeans you have on and you were your hair down," Lila suggested, but I'm pretty sure its was a command. Within five minutes I was ready to go, and we were all waiting on Sadie who was having some trouble fish tailing her hair. Finally, when she finished we all sighed of relief and exited the room and headed to the elevator and pressed the circular button labeled three. As the elevator lowered so did my stomach, it was in knots, I felt like I was doing back flips.

"Keigan, are you okay? You look a little sick," Samantha worriedly questioned.

"Just nervous, that tonight is the night everything is going to implode," I replied light-heartedly. They all patted my back and smiled at me.

"No fear, you have nothing to worry about. Maybe tonight Hallie will show her true colors, Niall will dump her and realize you're the love of his life," Bonnie suggested with a hopeful expression. At this I patted her back and everyone laughed at the gesture.

"If only this were the same romantic movie you just paraphrased," I laughed and then all the girls joined in. Ding, the elevator doors opened and the anxiety grew as we neared the door. I already heard the giggling, great. I didn't even have a chance to emotionally prepare myself for the battle that would ensue. Then Lila knocked on the door and Liam happened to answer the door. He greeted us with his usual, sensible self and led Samantha in with his arm around her shoulders, and by the gleeful look on her face I knew she wasn't complaining. Then my eyes landed on the couple snuggle dup on the couch, Miss Walters and Niall. Luckily, Niall was the first of the two to notice me and gave me a welcoming smile and waved me over. I was hesitant to comely, but I knew it would seem confusing if I refused now I slowly made my way over to them. That's when my eyes met Miss Walters, the anger that her face read was definitely enough to make me freeze. But I quickly regained my composure and t on the stuffed chair opposite the couch.

"Hey Keigan, where were you at lunch? I was worried after your run in this morning with that creep," Niall shuddered I guess remembering the event that had occurred.

"No worries, other than this throbbing eye and a few stares, I'm good," I answered while looking anywhere but at them.

"Are you okay?" he asked nicely causing my eyes to glance at his.

"She's just so shy, isn't she? I mean, this is probably why we barely know eachother," Miss Walters cut in and this is where I try to think of a plan to get put of this situation.

"Yep, I'm just a shy gal," I said lamely, I can't believe I said 'gal.'

"That and that you're third violin and I'm principal," she rudely put in, but I looked to Niall and of course he is chatting with Liam.

"Yeah, that's it," I whispered. Then I began twirling the end of hair, tonight wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible. I mean Miss Walters wasn't out to ruin my reputation with the boys, she just wanted to jab at me, unnoticed, with snide remarks. I could get through two more hours of that.

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