Chapter 8

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I was being shaken out of deep sleep and I already felt like killing whoever was behind this. I peeked through my eyelids to be met by four pairs of eyes.

"Ugh, what are you all doing here?" I yawned and then rolled onto my other side to escape their stares as probably looked like a mess. Of course, to no avail they all just ran to the other side and Lila spoke up.

"We saw you leave yesterday and we were wondering what's up, Keigan? You seemed so upset and sad."

"Really? You could of just asked Sadie, I told her that I wasn't going to peruse a guy who probably only likes me because I'm here but if he ever saws me on the street he would look right over me just like everyone worse does and still should do. It was easier being a nobody."

"Keigan, you are not nor ever were you a nobody. You are absolutely a somebody and Niall would be lucky to even get a glimpse of that sweet ass," Sadie shot in while patting my legs still underneath the four foot thick comforter. Then I pulled the comforter over my head because now I opened a can of worms by expressing what I really felt about myself, which of course isn't positive, and now everyone was going to compliment something about me to make me feel better, which is much appreciated yet makes me feel pitied which isn't what I had intended to throw for myself, a pity party. That is when I heard shuffling from around the room and curiosity was getting the best of me. I slowly peaked from beneath the comforter only to find all of them weren't there. I looked to the clock and knew rehearsal started soon so I decided to get up and get dressed considering going in your pajamas would definitely be ruled as unprofessional.

So I got up and hoped that I hadn't offended the girls when I hid myself under my comforter, sadly whenever I'm alone I start to overanalyze the situation and think I had driven them away. Soon the water didn't provide the same joy that it should have so I quickly turned it off and exited wrapped in towel only to be greeted by the four greatest girls in the world who had gone out to get me breakfast.

"We knew you wouldn't want us to all tell you how great you are so we decided to go out and get you a delicious Burger King breakfast sandwich," Lila said while handing off the sandwich to me as I sat on the desk chair.

"I hope you all know you are without a doubt the best," I replied while beaming at each of them. Then they pulled out four other sandwiches and joined me at the small desk table for breakfast which was filled with random conversations. Finally, the girls left to go get ready while continued getting dressed. Once we all met in front of twinkling, broken down, hotel sign where children had obviously tampered with, we headed to the dress rehearsal.

When we arrived it was a different vibe from yesterday. All the performers seemed to have this new attitude like they knew they were a part of something. Then I questioned myself, was I supposed to be feeling entitled? It seemed all to silly really to feel like this when in the grand scheme of things I was just a small gear working to fulfill it's simple yet hopefully important purpose. When I sat in my seat apparently my sex scandal had been topped by the story behind the four empty chairs in the flute section. The big scoop was the four girls had snuck out of their apartment past curfew and went to buy some beer, all nineteen and below the drinking age. Yet, the main reason they were sent home was because they were all fromm the United States and were well aware of the drinking age, all of this I heard between two gossiping violas behind me.

To be honest, having the spotlight removed really lifted a weight off my shoulders, I mean I was beginning to tan beneath it, or more likely burn. Either way, I was off the front page and enjoyed being yesterday's news. But of course this joy came to an need after two excruciating hours of pure warm up and skill recovery. Callouses were forming on cuts and I was rethinking the whole, no band-aid thing. When we went on break I suddenly looked for the boys, as if they were expected to join us for lunch. I knew they could hang out with any one of these groups, but I was secretly wishing yesterday wasn't a binding exercise and they were actually interested in us.

Sadie and Lila pulled me out my thoughts by dragging me by the elbows to our little tree where we were not greeted by two, but all five members of One Direction. Interestingly enough, they too formed a semicircle and we felt the need to complete it. The moment we sat down I waited for awkward silence but actually the group erupted into conversations. Lila talked with Liam and Zayn about dating advice, which I wish I could here from where I was sitting. Harry was sitting near Samantha and Bonnie while conversed, and he tried to get a word in. Then there was Sadie who was acting as shy as I had ever seen her.

"Just ask him if he'd like you to show him around town. You know he is interested in the big city and you, so its the perfect combination," I encouraged. As if out of nowhere another voice stepped in with Irish roots.

"Besides, I can almost guarantee you a yes," Niall added while giving her a little shove into Louis' direction. Sadie hesitantly approached Louis, "aren't they so adorable," I commented. That's when Sadie tapped in his shoulder while pushing her pin straight blonde hair behind her left ear.

"I hope Louis says yes," Niall admitted. I looked at him dumbstruck just as Sadie popped her all important question.

"I thought you said you had a strong feeling as in you asked him?" I almost shouted. Then I saw Louis mouth the word 'yes' so I guess that little crisis was averted.

"Well I wanted her to have some confidence in it, Louis loves confidence so I believe she did the right thing," he said to defend his white lie. I guess it was better than having her go in cold turkey with nerves making her bounce like a kangaroo. That's when Sadie came over and hugged me tightly, then gave a quick hug to Niall. Then the first thing Sadie uttered after coming to her revelation, "I have a date tonight with Louis, and absolutely nothing to wear!"

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