Chapter 14

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All the girls then turned to me to see my expression, shock was probably written all over my face because to be honest, I knew he liked her but that doesn't mean I expected it to be thrown in my face no matter how unintentional it was. I knew I had to recover the silence that had commenced due to Zayn's reply so I quickly quipped with, "Aw, how cute." Then its as if I set of a switch that shut off all the awkwardness. For soon everyone broke down into quiet conversations while Louis and Sadie sort of sat to the side sharing their own little conversation. Louis was keeping this carefree smile on his face while playing with Sadie's fingers as if dancing around the fact of holding her hand. Sadie, however, was making jokes and commanding the conversation which means she had finally gotten used to being her absolute self around Louis.

It was nice that she had her fairytale story being acted out, but then I got pulled back into the group discussion.

"So, what are you doing later?" Liam directed to Samantha although I'm pretty sure he was meaning for it to sound as a group invitation. I hope.

"Well, I don't know about them," Samantha answered gesturing to all of us, "but I'm going to be dancing in the background for this band."

"I meant after that!" Liam said smiling at Sam's cheeky comment. Then she blushed and answers him swiftly, "Not sure, what did you have in mind."

Liam seems to be struggling with his answer and had a great deal trouble getting the words out until finally getting out, "because the lads and I were wondering if you ladies would like to come to our room tonight."

I looked to see confused faces of Harry and Zayn so I'm assuming that wasn't his planned statement but soon all the lads quickly recovered because I think they realized they just got a chance to spend more time with Bonnie and Lila. It was unbelievably cute, though, how Liam wanted to take Sam out on a date.

"Sounds like fun," Samantha answered hiding her disappointment well. I just hope she noticed how badly Liam was trying to ask her out for a one on one date and his nerves just got the best of him. Then Bonnie jumped into the conversation to save it.

"So what did you have in mind for us to do, because I know I don't need to go to your room just to sit and talk like we do in ours," Bonnie said with a smile although all us girls knew we would definitely not mind just sitting in their room like we do in ours. Spending any time with them at all is just plain amazing.

"Well, milady, we planned a small get together party-type situation among the ten of us," Harry said with a grin and looking directly at Bonnie as if trying to seduce her on the spot with his curls.

Then she shyly turned away from his gaze and was the first to actually touch the food in front of us. It is as if we all, all of sudden, realized we hadn't touched the food in front of us and soon sandwiches were flying off the plate due to the boys, so I knew I was going to have to have a large dinner to make up for my less than nutritious lunch. Then I heard a strange click and laughing coming from the staircase. Then I heard the me voice that has been terrorizing me since the beginning if tour. Lila turned to me with a wide eyed worried expression. Quickly I stood up abruptly and tried to look for an escape, soon Sadie had come out of her lovey covey phase to realize I was trying to get out of here before Miss Walters walked thorugh that door and then we would be opening a whole new can of worms. Sadly, the onlyexit was the entrance and as the seconds ticked on the voices became louder as the two of them ascended the stair. My heart was pounding, sighing minutes she would be up here, see me, and then tell all these lies about me. I felt how overdramatic my thoughts were being but I believe it was because of my increasing adrenaline. Soon Sadie got an idea and over exaggeratedly waved her arms towards the door and pushed me behind it. Then as if on cue, Niall and Miss Walters entered the room.

"Hey guys," Niall said sounding overjoyed only making my stomach churn and causing me to silently thank good I hadn't had a big lunch.

"Hey Niall, what's going on?" Samantha said. I guess all the girls didn't want any of the boys saying anything because like them, I was worried they may spill that I was still in room. I'm sure, like any normal human being would be, they were completely confused.

"Oh you know, just wanted Hallie to meet you guys," he said introducing her to all of them.

"Oh I've already met Hallie," Saide remarked with a definite attitude. I peeked around the door to see if I had a window of opportunity. I saw Louis looking shocked at Sadie's outburst, as well as, some other stunned members of One Direction. Then I saw Miss Walters turning my way so I quickly ducked back behind the door.

"Oh, you're one of Keigan's friends," she said all too sweetly, I almost lost what little food I did have in my stomach.

"Yeah, we all are," Lila said a bit harsher than I thought she could ever be, which was never. I could just feel the tense awkward feeling growing in the room.

"Speaking of which, where is Keigan?" Niall asked kindly.

"Don't know!" Bonnie, Samantha, Sasie, and Lila all shouted simultaneously. Way to not seem suspicious.

"Why would she be up here?" Miss Walters asked, but you could never tell it was meant to be mean, it sounded more like she was genuinely curious.

"Cause she's their friend just as much as she is our friend," Bonnie defended. I peeked out of the door and saw all the guys were now confused and they were all getting angry with my friends. I suddenly felt the urge to reveal myself, have her make fun of me or do whatever she wants, but my fear got in the way. Soon, Niall spoke up.

"Well, since you guys aren't really becoming close friends at the moment, I guess we'll see you all later tonight." And with that I slid behind the door and watched through the two hinges as he led her down the stairs by the small of her back.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" Zayn asked as I finally revealed myself from behind the door.

"That girl is evil!" Saide exclaimed. "She has made it her mission to make Keigan's tour experience a living nightmare so she'll go home all because she thinks Keigan doesn't deserve to be here."

"Well I suppose Niall brings out the best in her, because she seemed alright to me," Harry spoke aloud.

"Or she's a great actress," Samantha said.

"Listen, either way she makes Niall happy so I guess we'll all just have to tolerate her no matter what she is doing," I said while leaning against a wall. I looked to see everyone giving me sympathetic looks.

"But what if she is just playing him?" Lila asked.

"We'll be there for him for the fallout," I replied while looking up to the rafters before Sadie's phone alarm went off and we decided to just head back down, me leading for the first time and then heading straight to my seat.

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