Chapter 17

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I just realized while waking up to a despicable alarm that last night was our last night in a real bed for a long time because apparently, I'd forgotten that the next three nights we'll be on the move from city to city. And soon enough all five of us were up and had to devise how this whole bathroom situation was going to work out otherwise we would all end up with no bathroom time. All the morning showerers went first. And then make up was easier. Soon we were all dressed for a long bus ride. This meant yoga pants, slip on shoes and long sleeve shirts since we were heading north.

When we loaded, we were surprised at how early we had gotten there and how many empty seats there were. I mean it was five minutes until the buses were required to leave and the bus was quite empty compared to what it should've been. As soon as we took our regular seats, many girls poured with coffee in their hands and all I could think about is the poor employees working at the coffee shop that was just swarm this morning. Once everything settled the bus revved up and took off. My friends had fallen asleep twenty minutes in, probably from their long night. It made me think and wonder what was said that night.

I mean, I was there for some of it but i was zoned out the whole time. And even if I had heard it, I wonder if I would've wanted too. I mean, could I prepare myself for Niall commenting Miss Walters, maybe. But if she were to break his heart, I know I would want to be the first to help put it back together. And then the boys. Those boys, who all seem to have us in a frenzy. Bonnie and Harry are undefined. Sadie is insecure about herself with Louis. Samantha worries about Liam's rebound. Lila likes a boy who likes someone else. Then there is me, who likes Niall who likes my enemy. Overall, we sum up a lot of Nicholas Sparks scenarios.

I looked out the window to the blurred scenery surrounding the strip of clear my eyes were picking up, then I looked through the crack between the window and the seat and saw Miss Walters doing the same thing. It was shocking that we had anything in common however it was impossible that we were complete opposites. Then she turned her head towards me. She probably felt that weird sensation when someone is staring at you. So quickly I looked back out the window and hoped she didn't notice. Then few minutes later a crumpled up ball of paper hit my head. I looked around to find the culprit and of course I meet the eyes of Miss Walters who gestures to me to open it. I unravel the wadded ball and there is a note.

"Listen, I know you have feelings for Niall. It's evident when you stare him all the time with mesmerized eyes during rehearsals and when get all nervous when you talk to him. But you need to know that he likes me and I like him. So whatever delusional scheme you have to win him over, needs to be put to halt. I'm not going to have you sleep with him or something so he cheats on me and I have to break up with him. I'm not going anywhere, but you definitely should."

I put the note down and looked around to find another piece of paper and pen. Instead I ended up writing on the back of her own note.

"Now you should hear me out. I don't have some hair brain scheme to break whatever you two have apart. In fact, I plan on leaving it completely alone and just letting your relationship takes it's course. But you also need to stop calling me a slut, you have no idea what happened during my rehearsal, all I did was mess up then restart, that's it. No big scandal, maybe they liked it because I played something completely from memory, I don't know. But you need to know I have no plans on ruining anyone's relationship."

I folded my paper and slid it to her by the thrusting it down the little divet along the windows. I saw her pick it up and read, she looked really contemplative, then she turned away from the window and I couldn't see her face anymore. I didn't get to see her full reaction to the note but hopefully this will end her hurtful critiques during break and sound check.

Then I heard a loud yawn and I turned to see Sadie just waking up.

"I absolutely hate sleeping on a bus, and I even smell like a bus," she complained while lifting her jacket to her nose.

"Well it's gonna be this way for a little while," I told her while turning my full attention to her.

"Anyway, I figured out how you are going to win over Niall-" Sasie started but I had to cut in.

"Nope I am in no way going to meddle in his and Miss Walters' relationship. I promised her I wouldn't try and ruin any relationships."

"Wait when did you talk to her?"

"She threw a note at me and I responded. It wasn't really talking but more like passing notes between friends, or just two people," I mediated. I mean Miss Walters and I were far from friends however maybe our note passing put us above enemies.

"So you promised her in this note you wrote, that you wouldn't try and ruin any relationships, meaning the practically nonexistent one between her and Niall. Yet, technically by telling her this you are ruining your own chances at having a relationship with him, therefore you are ruining a relationship. Ergo, breaking your promise."

I sat there dumbfounded that she had drawn all these conclusions through a mere explanation as to what had happened all while she was zonked out on the bus. I feel a little slow now. Meanwhile Sadie is sitting there with a smug smile feeling pretty proud of her derogatory skills. Great now I will never hear the end of what she briefed to be her endless genius.

"Okay, well, as you said I was meaning the one between her and Niall."

"That barely exists," Lila added in from behind us and I turned to see her also having a laugh at our spat on the bus that seems to be going in circles. "Face it Keigan, your argument is falling apart, at some point you have got to stop playing fair and start playing for yourself."

Then the bus stopped and we were apparently taking a break. Everyone on the bus filed off and we went towards a little hill beside the rest stop and stretch while almost half the other girls headed to the bathroom to fix their hair and wash up, maybe even use the bathroom. Then I heard the familiar laughing from afar, oh great. I looked to my left and Louis had wrapped his arms around Sadie's waist and whispered a 'hello' in her ear causing her to giggle. Also, Bonnie was saying hello to Harry as he gave her a heart melting, dimple filled, smile. To my right Lila approached Zayn with a small embrace while Samantha looked surprised to get a small peck on the cheek for her greeting. I then realized one member was unaccounted for until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turn to the warmest blue eyes and most adorable windswept blonde hair.

"Have you been avoiding me? Because everywhere I see you, you never talk to me and you barely look in my direction," Niall told me while looking confused.

"It's more that I don't really get along with Miss Walters," I told him, but he still looked confused then I remembered I addressed her like my arch nemesis. "I mean Hallie."

"Oh, why? You both seem like you would really hit it off," he told me.

"She just didn't get a good impression of me," I said honestly, but sort of cut out some major bits that I would regret later.

"Well, I'm sure we can change that. But now that, that is settled, will you stop avoiding me. You're my closest girl friend here," then he noticed I jokingly raised my eyebrow at the word 'girlfriend' so he chuckled and corrected himself, "you know as in a friend who is a girl. Which I haven't had many of, so you should feel honored."

I smiled at him and my heart fluttered at how genuine he was making me feel and replied lamely, "thanks."

Then he swallowed me up in a hug and I was beaming into his shoulder, but is moment wasn't perfect. There was that nagging feeling like someone was watching us. I peeked over his shoulder and scanned the lawn in front of the rest stop. Then my eyes met with two very angry green ones, ones belonging to Hallie Walters. All too soon the hug ended, and he pulled back and bored his eyes into mine. It seemed like we were in a trance. I was getting lost in his eyes, I almost forgot all about that strange feeling. He slightly leaned in, and I a most reciprocated the action except I remembered what I said, and I jolted away and smiled at him before heading back over to the group. All the girls seemed astonished that I didn't kiss him there, and I couldn't tell what the guys' reaction was because they went over to Niall who was still standing where I had left.

"What was that?" Sadie asked.

"Me keeping a promise."

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