Chapter 10

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I was being shaken awake by Sadie who kept saying we had made it to Pennsylvania. I tiredly lifted my head feeling the horrible crick in my neck thinking that rotating would make it better when really, I think I just rotated it into the most painful position. Then I turned to look out my window seeing the ever famous and historic Pittsburgh, although I was more shocked that I had slept the whole way here. Soon my yawning spell took over and I couldn't even make coherent sentences however by the time we arrived at the hotel, it seemed to cease. We waited to be dismissed and looked behind us to find Lila completely engrossed in her phone, no doubt texting while Sam and Bonnie had a play fight over skittles.

"Okay, so it's raining. Doesn't mean we have to wait for it to stop. This isn't Wimbledon," Sadie whined.

"Hey at least we have each other," Lila joked from behind us. Yet she was still infatuated with her phone so I tried to fight the urge but I felt the need to ask.

"Lila, who has you so in love with your phone?"

"Oh, just a boy," she said while trying to hide her smile by biting her lip. Although, I nor Sadie were buying this excuse for a minute that blush was just a little too noticeable.

"Right, so what kind of boy are we talking about? Best friend? Cousin? Oh, a boyfriend?" Sadie questioned while raising her eyebrow towards me. I smiled at her silliness, she's a regular Sherlock Holmes.

"Just a boy. Who is a friend. Not a boyfriend, but he has great hair and a great face..." she trailed off.

"So, you're in love with Zayn," I stated as if it were the most obvious fact of life yet Sadie squealed with excitement.

"Oh my god! Is that who you've been texting this whole time? Why haven't you said anything, now I know I'm not the only one and wait, does he know you like him?" Sadie was spitting questions so fast that it was making my head spin and my stomach churn.

"Yeah, we've been texting for a while but I'm certainly not dating him. Although, I wouldn't not want to date him because in all honesty he is as sweet as apple pie," Lila gushed while curling into herself into her seat while clutching her phone to her chest.

She was being so adorable, all in love, and by the sounds of it, these feelings were mutual. Suddenly I realized all my friends were getting together with the guy of there dreams, everyone except me. I mean I shouldn't complain because wits not like I've been putting myself out there yet you still feel saddened that everyone you see is in a relationship and you're just sitting by yourself being the third wheel to every thing. Hearing about all the fun someone had on a date instead of going on one. Sadie then tapped me on the shoulder.

"You okay?" she asked with a genuine look of worry.

"Yeah," I smiled to her, although I could feel how false it was.

"Good, the guys will be comoing over to our hotel room if we can ever get out of this horrible bus," she yelled exasperatedly. And almost by fate, the woman came on to tell us we were allowed to unboard and check in. And as if, some weird switch had flipped on, everyone ran off the bus in masses pushing anyone too slow out of the way. It was all so overwhelming I once again found myself sitting waiting for everyone to evacuate. Once I reached the lobby Bonnie, Sam, Lila, and Sadie were all smiling at me.

"What?" I asked while looking around noticing that the entire lobby was empty.

"Guess who's all rooming together?" Sadie asked excitedly.

"I guess us," I said smiling while Sadie was bummed that I hit it right, I guess.

"I was expecting a crazy answer, but guess not," Sadie sarcastically yelled with a sigh at the end while huffing up the stairs and trying to stomp away. Although that is pretty hard to do with a bulky duffel bag, and also hilarious. Once we got to the fourth floor, and we were exhausted, we saw five guys waiting outside our door. Then Louis noticed us and ran towards us, or at least, Sadie.

"What to you all so long?" he asked while taking Sadie's bag.

"We had to walk up four flights of stairs," Bonnie said while trying to unlock the door. She was having trouble though because Her bag was hanging from her elbow and restricting her full range of motion. Luckily, Harry put his hand over hers and took the key from her hands and unlocked the door for us. I noticed Bonnie couldn't stop blushing.

"Why'd you take the stairs? There was a lift near the front door," Niall laughed while looking at me. Oh I was supposed to answer.

"We didn't see it," I said while looking at the ground quickly then glancing back up to see his gorgeous baby blue eyes. He smiled while grabbing my trunk and gently brushing my hand in the process. I couldn't take the tension that kept building, although I could take keeping my dignity in tact and not acting on any intuitions. Then I followed him into our room after all of the other "couples." everyone was lining the room as if by force of nature in what I have come to call, the couples. Liam and Sam were sitting with Bonnie and Harry while Lila and Zayn were across from them leaning against the bed while Louis and Sadie sat cross legged across from each other on the bed. Then I realized I had not only no one to talk to, but no one to sit with to avoid Niall. Then I realized he was sitting all alone on the opposite bed and sadly, he noticed me and motioned me over to sit next to him. This is when my heart went into overload and I hoped it would beat fast enough to go into a heart attack so I could avoid any conversation with Niall so I wouldn't make of a fool of myself like I feel I always seem to do.

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