Chapter 29

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This. Is. Kill. Ing. Me.

I can't just sit here and be friends with him. I swear he is just so darn adorable sometimes it is like he is personally throwing in my face how great he is, and then flaunting that we are just friends. Right now we were watching a friendly between America and Britain. It was pretty intense considering it was a tie game and it was definitely going to go to penalty kicks with only minutes left. Niall was right next to me leaning back against the sofa with his arm hanging behind me, resting comfortably on the back of the sofa.

Does he not see this is driving me insane? The whole game I stay loyal and root for America, althouhg I usually never root for them in soccer in general but today was the exception. Then, the game went to commercia and Niall turned to me.

"So you prepared to back out? I'm sure we can end this bet now so I don't swindle you outta your money," he bantered.

"Are you prepared to pay me twenty US dollars?" I retaliate. In honesty I suspect Britain will win, but I am definitely not going to back out now.

"So, what nationality are you besides being from the US of A?" he asks while looking at the commercial for Coors Light.

"I'm Italian and Swedish," I respond while looking down at my fingernails.

"So can you cook Italian food?" he asked suddenly very excited.

"Yeah, mostly southern dishes with tomato-based sauces," I inform him and he looks at me and girns.

"You are so making dinner tonight, you definitely are coming on our bus. I don't care what Paul has to say about it," he joked. BUt Paul can pretty scary when he wanted to be.

"So, what's one thing about yourself that nobody knows about?" he asked trying to strike conversation.

I thought about it real hard before I noticed I only have one thing no one knows and it was pretty embarassing so I replied, "I'm an open book."

"I can tell you're lyin'. Come one, I won't laugh," he said, although, knowing Niall, that wasn't going to happen, at all.

"Promise?" I quesitoned just to be sure, and when he nodded I continued, "I have never ridden a bicycle."

He began chuckling but quickly recovered, "how is that possble? You are seventeen and you have never ridden a bicycle?"

"I never needed to know. I live in Cheyenne, where everything I needed was within three miles of my house."

"I don't know how this is even possible. Okay, the minute the tour is over, I am coming to Cheyenne, Wyoming and teaching you to ride a bicycle," Niall declared. For some reason my heart fluttered at this, but I quickly quieted by reminding myself, we're friends, he is doing this because we're friends.

"I'm holding you to that," I falsely threatened. Then Sadie burst through the room in tears followed by Louis. Oh god. I forgot today ELeanor was coming. What could've possibly happened. I looked to Niall who looked shocked and then the yelling ensued.

"You told me it was over!" she shouted through the bathroom door. Niall and I moved towards that end of the hotel room and Louis was standing outside the bathroom door, meaning it was locked and Sadie didn't plan on coming out with him in the room.

"It is over! I don't why she did that! Maybe she thought a kiss didn't mean that much!" Louis called through the door. What did he mean kiss?

"Louis, she knew, alright? You two obviously have some residual feelings to work out, so while you two do that I'll be in here," she replied.

"Sadie, please. I have no residual feelings for her. I love you," he called.

I looked to Niall and he looked as gobsmacked as I did. Sadie was silent on the other side of the door, probably prcessing Louis' words like we were. Then, there was deafening silence. I'm sure the three words shocked Sadie just as much as they shocked us. I saw Louis looking at the door expectantly as were Niall and I. I thought I saw the door turn, but it was only a figment of my imagination. I looked to Louis who looked defeated.

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