Chapter 9

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All day all we did was differentiate between colors, patterns, and styles. My eyes felt like they were going to explode from so many decissions that apparently had to be made all for one to two hours for a date. I'm not going to lie, I felt like it was a tad bit ridiculous but then when I imagine myself sitting in a room wanting everything to be perfect I realize I would probably acting the same way if not worse considering my lack of confidence would cause me to second guess all my looks and decisions. However I have to realize that Sadie is, for the lack of a better word, a girly girl so she will obviously take some time to do hair, make-up, and accessorize, therefore we may be here until we're eighty.

Samantha begins to complain that Bonnie had forgotten about us and that is why she was late getting back with our food.

"No doubt, flirting it up with the bag boy," Lila joked. If this were true though she would getting an earful from Samantha because by the look of her, I could swear she looked half starved. She was clawing at her clothes with the anticipation of food. Finally Bonnie came through the door carrying four bags of take out, sauces, chopsticks and fortune cookies. When she set them on the table we all gave her playful glare.

"Listen, I didn't mean to be late I just got tied up at the checkout line. The man in front of me kept insisting he was missing a part of his order," Bonnie pleaded.

We all continued our glare, and as I did I noticed something sticking out of her purse. Harry's rose.

Now it was all making sense as to why she was out so late. I guess I'd better leave it though considering she didn't tell us out right that's why she had been late, meaning she wasn't really ready. Finally, we all laughed it off and dug in after Bonnie threatened to take our food away of we didn't stop our stare.

Now that we had finished our food it was time to doll up Sadie. She slipped on her white three quarter sleeve shirt with some simple blue jeans and a woven belt. She braided her hair to the side with her bang and used little to no make up. Natural beauty was her aim. That's when there was a knock at the door and she motioned for us to answer it so she could make a "grand entrance." I opened the door to a classic, striped shirt and khaki trouser cuffed above the ankle with matching TOMS. Then Sadie entered and waved goodbye to us while Louis took her hand and lead her off around the hall.

"And she will never be seen again," I said eerily making everyone laugh. Then we all plopped on the couch and popped in Hitch, that way we could hear all about Sadie's date when she got back. Slowly, everyone began falling asleep, including me. I last saw Will Smith dancing when I was just out. Suddenly I was being shaken awake.

It was Samantha. "I heard Liam talked to you about me. What did he say? What did you tell him?" she asked frantically.

"He just wondered if you were single is all," I replied groggily while rubbing the sleep from my eyes and giving a yawn. I glanced at the clock and it read 3AM. I then realized Sadie was already home and asleep on the matching chair. That's when I had to ask how her date went, but I saved that urge for a different time. I then looked back at Samantha to see this weird ecstatic look hoer face. I worried she might hurt herself with that face yet I was too tired to care at the moment.

"Thanks Keigan, I'll let you get back to sleep. Oh, and way to not tell us about Harry," she said in a mock anger.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to play it off.

"Well, Sadie told us that she heard from Louis how Harry fancies Bonnie and how Harry was afraid YOU would spill because you saw him buy it. Then Bonnie showed us the flower in her purse that we all saw."

"Oh," was all I could say. That and I needed to get better people watching skills since apparently they are very noticeable which isn't good at all.

Finally I rolled over and decided to get some rest because tomorrow was gonna suck already. I woke up too soon to the sound if an annoying alarm clock I just wanted to smash to the ground but I didn't have the energy to do so. So I returned to mine and Lila's room to shower and board the bus to the next stop. The girls followed suit and all looked extremely exhausted. Everyone except Sadie. This was my chance to ask about her date. She sat next to me, then turned to me with the biggest grin on her face.

"So do you wanna hear how my date went?" she asked me with a giant toothy smile.

"Please, do tell," I said with a smirk but in all honesty I was really excited.

"Well, we snuck through the kitchens to avoid the fans out in the front. Then we walk hand in hand to this little restaurant that sells crepes and other pastries that were delicious. He even wiped some chocolate sauce off of my face! Then he asked where a good place to walk around was and I replied Central Park. So he took on a magical stroll telling me jokes and making me laugh, oh it was marvelous Keigan. Then we made it this tree where he stopped and looked me dead in the eye. He said usually I dint kiss in the first date however with you I feel I should. Then he leaned in and bam! Fireworks galore, it was absolutely the softest, most passionate kiss ever. My life is officially complete. If you have some secret fantasy to kill me, you can fulfill it now," she said as she leaned back into her seat with a dreamy look on her face.

"I'm glad you had fun," I said with a chuckle as I leaned back as well to take a much needed nap.

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