Chapter 6

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Our complete spastic rush into the hall proved to be our most fatal flaw. We ran right into the tour manager, Paul Higgins. Lucky for us he was not was of those anger management type of guys. He smiled and then continued down the hall. Maybe we forgot that since we are a part of the crew it is perfectly acceptable for us to be here. So we casually sat down outside underneath a random tree, setting Lila's phone to a timer so we wouldn't miss the last half of practice.

"Okay, my feet are about to fall off," Bonnie whines as she rubs her feet.

"By the way you were dancing, I'm not surprised," says a male voice. We all freeze. That voice was deep and had a thick British accent.

We all froze, as two British men walked around our half circle and stood before us. Of course it's Harry and Louis. They smiled politely with a bag of subway each when the deep voice himself, Harry, asked, "do you mind if we join you?"

I looked at everyone, who would say no, so Bonnie spoke up, "of course." The two skilled and completed, sort of, our little circle.

"So what are you lovely ladies doing outside on such a fine day like today?" Louis asked with an exaggerated voice. Only he would ask such a question.

"Well, just enjoying the weather, I suppose," Sadie responded then turned away to hide her blush. And that's how the conversation ensued, with small talk between us and the famous Larry Stylinson. All too soon Lila's phone went off and we had to go back to that torture chamber.

"Well, I guess that our cue, hope to see you all in the nearest of future time space continuums," Louis said in a false posh accent. Harry laughed at his hilarious friend then gave a small smile and a quick 'bye.' We all quickly rushed back through the back door and in different directions as did another hundred people. The swerving and dodging was like a planned acrobatic routine. It was as if I were five again and experiencing the circus for the first time in my life. However, my little world ended when someone knocked my stand head forward causing all my music to hit the floor and scatter throughout the room. I wanted to glare at whoever had decided to be rude and do something so rude. Then I was met with the evil smirk of Miss Walters.

"You think because two guys from One Direction took notice to you, your reputation is now squeaky clean. Everyone here knows what happened at your audition and agree someone else definitely deserves to be here. So why don't you pack up and go home?"

"B-because that's not what happened... I-they, that's not it," I mumbled incoherently.

"why don't you take a minute to make up your story and we'll reconvene later. Kay?" And with that she walked back to her seat right as the conductor approached the podium. He began with "Moments" and the whole time I was succumbed in what Miss Walters had said. She had won and now no one would believe I was innocent. All too soon I was brought out of my thoughts by Sadie shaking me saying it was time to head back. I had to admit I was ready to collapse on my bed and just forget today. Sadly that wasn't Sadie's plan. Once we had rounded up Bonnie, Samantha, and Lila, Sadie broke the news about her plan.

"Why don't we head out for a night on the town?"

"Because it's late and my feet are already asleep. Besides, where would we go?" Bonnie asked while collapsing into criss-cross- applesauce.

"Well, we could go anywhere we want you forget, I know these streets like the back of my hand. I can show you anything you've ever wanted to see in New York City," Sadie said with pleading eyes and a convincing smile.

"Good, then you won't mind showing me and the boys around as well, would you?" Some man said as he approached the group with four guys trailing behind.

"Nope, not at all," Sadie answered Louis. Although the confidence in her voice had faltered.

"Right then, lead the way, my lady," Louis then gestured to the door with a low bow making Sadie look like Elizabeth I and he, her squire. We all silently followed suit as the awkward silence pursued. We all just kept glancing at each other and then at the boys then back at ourselves. Finally we had made it to a bustling market along the street and became preoccupied with all the trinkets and gadgets the shopkeepers had to offer. It was quite a show. I looked over to see Harry buying a simple rose, of course I had to wonder to whom that was for until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned to come face to face with Liam Payne.

"How may I help you?" I asked quietly.

Lima gave a small smile and replied, "I was just wondering about her over there with the brown hair and the fair skin." I looked over to Samantha showing Bonnie some earrings.

"Yeah, Her name is Samantha," I quickly said. I looked at the smile that lighted up his face. There was no way this was happening. I felt so happy for Sam, hopefully she felt the same way or that would the most awkward moment for not only Liam, but whichever other One Direction member she liked.

"Thanks, I'll leave to your barde ring then," he id as he scrambled over to Zayn and I guess broke him the news. Then I felt another tap on my shoulder, I turned around only to be met with piercing blue eyes and striking blonde hair. I quickly looked down to the cement sidewalk, then glanced back up to meet his intense eyes.

"Hello there. How's it going?" he asked while playing with the stings of his hand woven bracelet and looking around at the hats on the stand.

"Oh you know, just trying to decide on which hat to buy," I said casually trying to maintain conversation.

"And why would you want to hide your beautiful hair under a cap?" he asked while maintaining eye contact with anything but me. How do you respond to a compliment like that?

"In case it gets extremely cold. But thank you," I replied a little quickly thinking I had thought about my response a little too long.

"I see. Well I say buy this one," Niall said gesturing towards a light blue knitted beret, "but only because it matches your eyes so well." At this I had to blush, then one scream was all it took before we were surrounded by people. Nail gripped my elbow and I grabbed for Sadie who was hooked to Louis, slowly some bodyguards made there way through the crowd and led us towards a car. Across the street I saw Harry, Bonnie, Samantha, Lila, Liam, and Zayn also being filed out of the mayhem that even outdid the chaos of everyday New York. Soon we all met up across at a small plaza and laughed at the situation.

"So we have all made it through the crazy streets of New York City, however, we all know not everyone will survive the madness that consumes... Dun, dun, dun, New York City!" Louis announces in the game show host voice he can however Niall pats him on the shoulder and said, "sorry Louis, but you can't touch this."

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