Chapter 26

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Three weeks of getting up, working from five AM to nine PM making barely any tips since I wasn't the cheeriest waitress. Ralph had finally stopped playing One Direction on the intercom, finally realizing it just put me more on edge. Instead he played a country station where I knew they wouldn't play them. Although Luke Bryan and Rascal Flats are great I miss David Guetta and The Wanted. I had finally gotten so sick of country music I began bringing my iPod to work, concealing it within my waitress apron behind my notepad.

Sadly, I couldn't very well listen to while I was working so I had to wait until my break to untangle the mess of headphone strings and listen to what I wanted to. Although today I felt even more fed up with my long hours and my dat. I should be playingmmy violin and doing what I love but I gave it all up, and the regret was burning a hole in my brain filling it with what ifs. Finally, Ralph dismissed us and I entered the freezing street and pulled my cap further down onto my forehead and wrappe dmy scarf tighter around my neck as the night air tried to nip at my face. Wyoming was weird in the summer, hot days and freezing nights. I got home and my phone was lighting up with some unread messages.

I immediately called Sadie's number once i read her text with one word, urgent.

"Finally, okay. So you know how the first time i met Eleanor she was really sweet and great and we clicked?" Sadie hushed over the phone.

"Yeah, why? Has she become this horrible she beast out to get you?" I joked to her and she gave me a sarcastic 'ha, ha.'

"No really, she and Louis are inseparable now. He spends all day with her. Today I asked if he wanted to see a movie, he said Eleanor and him already had plans. So then I mentioned we should get dinner tomorrow, he replies that he and Eleanor are going sightseeing, so then I ask if I could tag along. You know what he says? He says it's more a him and her thing, as if they are dating!" Sadie yells with a frustrated sigh following.

"Okay, I'm not going to lie, I would not be happy with this but you don't want to come off as the jealous girl he is dating. I mean he may see as a reason to not make it official," I explained to her.

"But, we are..." she whispered.

"What?!" I yell into the phone and the person above me stomped on their floor slash my ceiling, oops.

"I meant to call, but I have been swamped with worrying over Eleanor I forgot," she amended.

"When did this happen?" I said in a joking rude tone.

"Well, we were at this little restaurant then we went for a stroll after. We were walking through a park where he stopped at a bench and sat downl i was confused so I sat next to himm and examined his worried features. He then placed his hand on my mid thigh and storied my leg before grabbing both my hands in his. He was so nervous his own hands were showing so I told him what's wrong. He said he was really shaky and I told him to take a deep breath, we both inhaled and exhaled and then he smiled and said, 'I want you in my life Sadie, and I want to be official boyfriend and girlfriend.' I of course said to him he had nothing to worry about of course I would've said yes. Then he leaned in and I couldn't wait any longer so I leaned in the rest of the way and it was magical, slow and beautiful..."

"Okay, I don't need details about a make out session but this changes everything! You have every right then to speak up about how, his time with Eleanor makes you uncomfortable," I told her but my voice was tinged with excitement that my friend had a boyfriend! Then I heard some noises on the other line before a new voice entered the line.

"Hey babe! It's Lila!" she beamed into the phone.

"I have read the tabloids, they broke up! You and Zayn can happen now!" I yelled into the phone.

"Um well, you see. I am sort of the reason they broke up," Lila replied with a sheepish tone.

"Oh my god, I don't even know what is going on right now," I replied. It seemed like everyone was getting together and it sort of felt bittersweet.

"Well, Zayn and I were hanging out like usual. He was commenting my dance moves and he said they were great. I told him I'm sure he could do it to. He answered aging he was a terrible dancer. I offer to teach him some steps and he accepted so we were just dancing when he tripped and caught my arm sending us both hurtling to the ground. Eye to eye we were both panting and I was pressed to his chest with some strands of hair falling forward out of my ponytail. Then he reached his hand up and I darted my eyes to his microphone tattoo and felt him push the strands out of the way before caressing my cheek. It was so gentle so right so I reconnected eye contact and next thing I know my head is buzzing from the high I got off the kiss. Then I heard a cough and in mtgs doorway is none other than Perrie. Apparently she had come to visit Zayn and someone directed her to where we were and she saw the whole thing. They fought and broke up and now I feel terrible when I tell the story out loud," she whined.

"Lila, I think it is adorable. But you need to talk to Zayn. Otherwise things will become awkward and that is not what you want," I advised.

"I know, I know, I'll get on it," she patronized but I could hear the smile.

"Anyway, I am beat so I'll call you all tomorrow," I reply with a yawn for emphasis.

"Love you chica. Talk to you soon!" Lila replies and I hear a faint goodbye from Sadie before the line goes dead.

Man a lot went on within in one day, it made me miss that life even more. I then ran over to key tray and underneath my car keys, parents' house keys, my apartment keys, and some miscellaneous key that I have no clue what it goes to, I picked up the small card Paul had given me with an unknown number. I twisted it over to re the front and it was blank. I had seen this before when i had first received the card, but somehow I always turn it expecting something to be there.

This time I gravitated towards my phone. Ralph would be so angry if I leave him again, especially short-handed. Jake would miss me and I haven't even visited my parents since I've been here. I began to second guess this. Wouldn't Jake be happy for me? And I could always see Mom and Dad before I go. I don't what to do about, maybe get him one of those stress relief squishy sand bags. I was lost in thought and when I cleared my vision all I was ten digits. Ten digits that could revive the dream, I admittedly killed.

Without even noticing it myself, I was holding my phone. I used my htunmb to dial the number then lifted the communication device to the side of my face. It rang three times having my anticiaotiin grow. Who was going to be on the other end? Who does Paul know that could be in need of a violinist? Then a voice was on h either end.

"Hello, this Paul Higgins speaking," he id into the phone.

I laughed a little before answering, "Hello Paul, it's Keigan."

"Oh, the rougue violinist? Well, did you find yourself and realize you missed this crazy life?" he asked then I heard him shout some orders.

"I didn't find myself, but I did collect myself and realize what a huge mistake I made," I said once I felt he was listening again.

"Hey, making a mistake is a part of life that you learn, however, when you need a break, you are doing that for you and that really is just a part of life," he replied wisely.

"So I was wondering when can I come back?" I asked.

"Right now, sounds good to me. I heard we need a new principal," he spoke into the phone.

"Well um, there are some loose ends this three tied over here and-"

"Say no more," he cut me off, "the day you get here just find me and I'll consider it your first day. Now flying expenses will be covered by me, so once you get here I can pay you back."

"Thanks so much for this," I said sincerely.

"Hey, I know you won't let me down. Even though you have walked out on me before," he joked.

"I guess someone is going to have to talk some sense into me next time," I joked back.

Then we id our goodbyes and hung up. I looked to the clock and it was eleven PM. Tomorrow I vist my parents, quit the diner, say goodbye to Jake, and catch a plane.

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