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"Would you like a drink?" He offered once inside his suite.

"No. Thank you. Water would be nice, though. If you don't mind."

Nodding, he pulled a bottle out of the mini-fridge handing it to her with a smile. Motioning to the couch in the plush living area, he invited her to sit. When she did, she took a long pull from the bottle and set it on the coffee table in front of them.

"Better?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Are you alright?" Was she? She sighed at the loaded question, knowing it asked more than the superficial. It asked about her physical safety, and exhibited concern for her emotional outburst, not to mention his worry about her inebriated state. Such an innocuous question for such underlying, loaded answers.

Taking a deep breath, she looked him in the eye. "I will be," and that was the truth. It had to be. There really wasn't another option.

Looking at her, she recognized the assessment of her words, trying to gauge if she were telling the truth. He seemed satisfied she was and he nodded once.

Shifting on the couch, he leaned back, then pulled her to his chest by wrapping his arms around her, and she let him. His warmth, kindness and soothing hands, were like drinking from a spring on a hot day. It was a comfort she hadn't known she needed until it was given.

Time crept on, and no one spoke as they sat in the solace of each other's presence. With her head resting on his chest, she listened to the strong, consistent thump of his heartbeat, and it grew louder and clearer when it began to speed up. He rested his chin on the top of her head for a few seconds, before turning to kiss the dark curls that adorned it. Nuzzling around her hairline, he kissed her there, too, before kissing her forehead. His warm hand positioned her head so he could, at last, kiss her, a simple, lingering, touch of the lips. Never again did she think she would kiss anyone but her husband, but there she was. His lips were so soft, and so different from the man she'd married. Though it was over, neither of them moved apart, and they kissed again. This time deeper, tongues hesitantly searching for entrance to the other's mouth. When given, the world heated, and the pressure built until they had to stop; they needed air, and something else.

Opening her eyes, she found him already watching her, looking over her flushed features. "What's your name?" His voice was deep, a little rough and barely above a whisper.

She shook her head.

He understood. "Well, what should I call you?"

She smiled, "Eugenie."

Laughing, his smile lit up his face, making it all the more beautiful. "I'm not calling you that," he said, while his fingers grazed her cheek.

"How about Julia?"

"Julia," he repeated, giving her another soft kiss.

"What should I call you?"

She knew who he was and the scrutiny in his gaze showed that he knew, Julia knew. The fact that she was willing to play along must have confused him, and he didn't seem sure how to proceed. After a few moments, he said, "Richard."

She grinned, "Julia and Richard. That's funny."

"It is."

"Well just so you know, I'm not a hooker with a heart of gold, so don't get it twisted."

"Well just so you know, I'm not a billionaire business man, with daddy issues."

"Good. Because I AM a billionaire businessman with daddy issues. If there were two of us, that would be awkward."

By Any Other NameWhere stories live. Discover now