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Previously on By Any Other Name...

"Vivian. My love. Marry me."

And now the conclusion...

Big tears spilled from her eyes, and she took a breath because she hadn't been breathing, and kissed him. Resting her forehead on his when the kiss was over she nodded. "Yes. Yes," she whispered, then kissed him again. A long, unhurried, embrace until Ben smiled and began to laugh, causing Vivian to smile at him.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"I'm relieved. I was honestly afraid you might say no."

"What? Why?"

"We've never discussed it. You've never spoken of marrying again. I didn't know how you felt about it. There was a good possibility you were on 'Team Never Again'."

Brushing the backs of her fingers along his cheek, she smiled at him. "I didn't need it. I only wanted you. If that didn't include marriage, I was fine with it. Just as long as we were together."

"Well, now you're never getting rid of me."


They'd only been asleep a few hours when they got a text from Mia saying she was taking the kids down for breakfast.

"God I love that woman," Vivian mumbled. "I'd leave you for her right now," she said, curling back into Ben's arms.

He laughed, and they started to slip back into sleep. "Baby."

"Hmmm," Vivian asked, snuggling in a little more.

"I have an idea."

"Do I need to be awake for it?"


"Are you sure? Because I could just lie here, while you-"

He cut her off by repositioning them so he could see her. "Let's get married."

"Wasn't that the plan, ya know with the ring and all?" She yawned, wiggling her ring finger at him.

"Here. Let's get married here. This week."

Vivian's eyes opened. "What?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "It's perfect, really. No press. Just us and the kids."

"But, what about our families?" She asked, looking up at him.

"We can get married again for them," he said waving his hand, like he was waving away the idea. "But this. This will be for us."

Vivian's looked around like the answer would be visible somewhere, while she tried to come to terms with his idea. "Just us."


"Like, on the beach?"

"Next to the water."

"The kids. Best Man, Ring Bearer, Flower Girl."


"Can we? Do we need special paperwork?"

"I don't know," he reached over to his phone, Vivian scooted under his arm so it was around her, and did a quick search. "We need our divorce certificates. We can call our lawyers and have them overnighted. Other than that we have our passports and we just need to make arrangements with clergy."

"Oh my God. It's that easy?"

He nodded.

"OK," she smiled looking up at him. "OK!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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