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He slowly entered the room and walked to her. His fingers, skimmed up her legs, barely touching, as he moved along the side of the bed. When he got to the top, his hand moved to her face cupping it. "Right now, if I could, I would take you away, take us both away never to be seen again. Live forever with you dressed like this."

"Then let's pretend we have." She'd never seen a man, so deliberately take off his clothes. Not slow, like he was putting on a show, but with purpose, and she knew she was in for the fucking of her life. She wasn't wrong. He fucked her over and over again. Different positions, different articles of her lingerie slowly removed until she wore nothing but the stockings, and then finally he removed those...with his teeth...before making his way back up her body to enter her again, and drive into her with abandon. By the time he wore himself out, it was only a few short hours until dawn and Vivian knew, she was going to have to soak in the tub to relieve her aching muscles. Going out and getting some cranberry wouldn't hurt matters either.

They lay on the bed, head to toe. Him sitting up against the headboard, her feet propped up next to him. His hand caressed her under his dress shirt she had put on. "How hard do you think it would be, to get new identities and move to a remote part of the world?" He grinned.

"For me? Piece of cake. For you, much harder."

"Hmmm. Maybe."

"You'd have to go somewhere pretty remote for someone not to have seen your fucking show. Or any of the franchises you're a part of."

"I could do remote. Could you?"

"I'm really kind of an indoor kitty. I like running water, Internet and modern conveniences. This is why I don't camp."

He chuckled. "I don't blame you."

Lulled to sleep by gentle caresses, the next thing she knew Ben was picking her up and placing her the correct way on the bed and under the blankets. Once he'd set her down, she took his hand and pulled him into bed with her. Wrapping themselves around each other, they fell into a peaceful sleep.

Vivian sat on the toilet in her bathroom at home looking at the small piece of plastic with the unmistakable positive sign in the tiny window. The first time she got the positive, she used the second one in the pack immediately and got the same results. Convinced they were faulty, she went to the drug store and bought one of each kind and took them all. All revealing the same result. Pregnant. Shocked wasn't close to how she was feeling. After years of trying to conceive, tests, poking, prodding, shots, retrievals, and transfers all to no avail, she'd been diagnosed infertile. Never would she have her own child. Coming to terms with it took a long time and a lot of therapy. Now here she held a stick that said the doctors were wrong. She was pregnant.

Making the soonest possible appointment with her doctor, she confirmed her results and put her at eight weeks pregnant. Eight weeks. Eight weeks ago, she'd been with Ben. She'd also been with her husband. Once home, she had a small breakdown. Going from infertile, to pregnant, to not knowing who the father was, was enough to send anyone over the edge. This was retribution for being an adulterer, karma coming in and demanding payment. A week later, she came to a conclusion, and when she did, she called Ben and made plans to meet up as soon as possible.

Vivian planned for three days with Ben. The first two were spent selfishly getting her fill of him. Knowing this was the last time they'd be together, maybe forever was breaking her heart. She'd talked herself in and out of leaving him countless times. Back and forth she debated on telling him she was pregnant but knew that would open up a new can of worms. Telling him would result in a can of worms so epic, there would not be enough fish in the world to handle it.

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