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"Nice to see you," he chuckled.

"It's nice to be seen," she turned over and stretched, "And now that you've seen me, I guess my work here is done and I can go home." Vivian started to sit up and was promptly pounced upon.

"I don't think so," he said, smiling, after a loud smacking kiss on the lips.

After their lovemaking, they lay in bed, naked, and curled up with each other, slowly coming down. Vivian's eyes followed her fingers, as they drew little patterns on his chest, while he made lazy doodles on the soft skin of her hip.

"What's your day like tomorrow?" She asked.

He took a deep breath, "Well, I have a couple of meetings starting at 11:00 A.M., then it's over to the site for a rundown of the events. Then I'm free."

She nodded. "So, we sleep in, have breakfast in bed, you run off to be you and then later come back for dinner and dessert."

"That sounds like a perfect plan."

"Well, I am a project manager, so..."

"Too bad you're not in PR. I could use some new blood."

"Yeah, not my thing. Fascinating though."

He hummed in irritation. She could understand why, well in the most basic of ways. It had to be more complicated than her superficial grasp. He pulled her a little closer. "I'll be glad when this thing is over and I can spend a couple of uninterrupted days with you."

"I'm looking forward to it, too." Not just for the sex, but for his company. It'd been a long time since she had clicked with someone so well. Also, when he'd come back from his engagements, the tension in his face would slowly fall and he'd look so much brighter and happier, and she wanted that for him. He didn't seem to get that very often, and it made her a bit sad. "Nothing to do but not worry and be happy." She felt him take a breath, "Don't you dare break into song," she said as she poked him. His body shook with laughter, which shook her, in turn making her laugh.

"Fine. But next time I reserve the right."


Evidently, sleeping in was 6:00 A.M. Vivian was not impressed. Chuckling, he pulled her close. "I have a beautiful woman in my bed for a limited time, I'm going to take advantage of every moment," he said, in between covering her with kisses. Eventually, he allowed them out of bed and ordered breakfast. After eating and indulging in the enormous shower, Vivian kissed him goodbye and she set off to fill her day.

When he finished his day, he texted her and they met back up to fill the evening much the same way they had been; having dinner in their rooms, attempting to watch a movie, before being distracted by delicious kisses.

Vivian had, because she really had always wanted to attend the Con, devised a schedule to hit all the areas, photo ops, and panels she could. The pass Ben had gotten her, was some sort of V.I.P. deal that evidently had magical powers. Not only did it get her into the exclusive V.I.P. Lounge, it allowed her line jumping and preferred seating in any panel she wanted. It was amazing and gave her extra time to indulge in more of the event.

When it was time for Ben's panel, she found a spot in the preferred section, as close to his chair as she dared. When the cast came in, and the hall erupted in cheers and applause, Vivian found herself caught up in it. Whooping and clapping along with the rest of the fans. Ben came out waving and smiling, looking around the hall, and when he found her, he smiled and laughed at her fan-like behavior. At one point, when they said they would take questions, she managed to get the mic, and instead of asking Ben a question, she asked one of the other cast members. She didn't miss the look Ben shot her. It made her grin.

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