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Previously on By Any Other Name...

Three weeks later Vivian's phone rang Ben's ringtone, and her breath caught. She tapped the answer button and held it up to her ear. "Hello?"

"It's Ben."

An now the continuation...

"I know. I never changed your ringtone."

The line was quiet for a moment before he spoke. "What would we have to do to get the paternity test done?"

After a few phone calls and detailed instructions, the test was set up and all the needed samples got to the place they needed to be. They'd know within two days, the verdict. This must be the longest 48 hours of Ben's life, she knew it was hers. Truth be told, she wasn't sure how she felt about the situation, and she was unsure if she wanted Julia to be Ben's or not. A great deal of her settlement from her divorce was based on the fact that Julia was Mark's daughter. Having no way of getting in contact with him, she couldn't even ask his family where he was, because they didn't know either. If Julia was Ben's that posed new problems. No doubt a myriad of emotions that were likely to be hurled her way, which she absolutely believed she deserved. The question was, would he want to be in her life. If he did, how much? How would they arrange it. She'd meant it when she promised she'd make it happen. After all, he'd already missed over three years of her short little life. He'd never get that time back. That thought alone would send Vivian into tears.

The call came and she was given the answer, she took a deep breath and called Ben.

"The test came back positive. You're her father."

There was silence on the other end, Vivian figured he'd need a moment to absorb the information, but after a few minutes she said something, she gently asked, "Are you there?"

He cleared his throat, "Yeah. Uh, I don't know." The break in his voice told her, he was fighting tears.

"You don't have to make any decisions now. It's OK to take some time."

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I should be thanking you."

"I'll call you when I get my head around it."



The backdrop of Vivian's phone showed a picture of Julia with a big toothy smile. Sighing, she clicked off her phone.

"I want to meet my daughter."

Vivian smiled, and sighed in relief. "Of course. Anytime, you want."

"The play is ending in a couple of weeks. I'll have a stretch of free time after that."

"Perfect. Just give me the dates, and I'll clear the calendar."

"Would you come here, or should I go there."

That was an excellent question. "Well, It's probably best if you come here. It's going to be a big change for her, maybe being in an environment she knows would be easier. Would you be OK with that?"

"Yeah. That'll be fine. I'll make arrangements and let you know dates."


"We'll speak soon."

"OK. Ben?"


"Would you like me to send you some pictures and videos? Something to tide you over?"

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