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Opening her eyes, she found a look of desperation to know her in his. That and the struggle of holding himself back sent her over the edge, taking him with her. They both cried out, but neither of their names. It wasn't until they had calmed and could breathe easily again, that she turned over on her side to face him, and he did the same. "My name, is Vivian. Vivian Sanders."

He smiled. "Really?"

She nodded. "Scouts honor."

He laughed. "No wonder the Pretty Woman thing."

"Yeah. I got a lot of ribbing. And yours?"

Startled at her question, he looked at her for a good, long while before answering. "Ben."

She smiled. "Ben. Nice to meet you, Ben."

"Nice to meet you, too, Vivian."

Pursing her lips, she hmmmed. "Yeah. I don't like it. I'm gonna still call you Richard." She nodded in confirmation.

Stunned, not sure if she was serious or not, he blinked at her, then burst out laughing, rolling over onto his back, and covering his face while she watched on in delight. When he recovered himself, he rolled back over, pinning her underneath him. After a kiss, he said, "I'm glad I met you."


The two of them sat on the bed next to each other, not talking. For the first time in two days, it was awkward, and Vivian didn't know why. Reality maybe? Rubbing her palms on her jean-clad thighs, she stood up. Immediately, Ben stood too, and maybe, subconsciously, stepped in front of her, blocking her exit.

"So," she said.


Each of them chuckled self consciously.

"Thank you for the best weekend I've had in months," Ben took her hands.

"Thank you. I feel the same. Would you do me a favor?"


Not wanting to look up at Ben for fear of him seeing the emotions whirling around inside through her eyes, she instead focused on an eye level, pale blue, button. "Would you shoot me a text when you get to wherever it is you're going so I know you arrived OK?"

The gratitude and warmth he felt showed in his smile she could see out of her periphery. When she finally found the courage to look up, she had to smile as well.

"Absolutely. But! You have to do me two favors," he grinned.

She raised an eyebrow, "Oh, really?"

Nodding in agreement, he countered, "You have to do the same." With his eyes full of sparkling mischief, he added, "Plus, you have to let me know how you're doing from time to time."

"You first," her voice came out as a whisper, as she felt the emotion well up.

"Deal." Pulling her up against him, he held her tight. "Be good to yourself."

"I will. You do the same." After one final, heart-wrenching kiss later, he walked out.

Later at the front desk checking out, the girl behind the counter tapped away on her computer while, Vivian looked around the lobby, lost in her own thoughts, quietly tapping her credit card on the counter waiting for the bill. She was pulled out of her thoughts when the girl cleared her throat to get her attention.

"Oh, right sorry," she said, shaking her head, to clear it. "How much?" She asked, handing over the credit card.

"No, ma'am. I said you're all paid up."

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