chapter 9

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School feels like it lasted longer than usual. I was having trouble paying attention in class. Aidan kept throwing small balls of paper at me when he would see my eyes start to close.

I didn't sleep well from Rabia's episode last night. I wake up almost every hour Not to mention when I heard her struggle to get to the bathroom around 5 am only to just run the sink water with lots of grunts.

Aidan has thrown a bigger ball at me this time, getting annoyed I quickly grabbed the ball he had just thrown at me as I somewhat stood to throw it back at him.

"Kareem" come to my teacher's voice.

"Did you see that mr.K? Out of nowhere he just threw it at me!" Aidan said with an innocent voice. Before the teacher could say anything the bell rang dismissing us for the day.

I got up and quickly stuffed everything into my backpack know what was to come and hoping to get out before it did. I normally pack up right before the bell rings so I could be the first one out- my thoughts drifted off when I felt someone behind me tapping me on the shoulder. Damn too late.

"Hey Kareem do you want to go get pizza for something." asked one of my stalkers. I should have known this was going to happen.

"No, I would not like to," I said as I tried to walk past her only to be stopped again with her standing in front of me. Now some of her friends are making a missey circle around us. Seeing this Aidan come over to us to stand next to me.

"Then can you help me with a few problem? I don't get it," she asked with her best try at puppies dog eyes. Unfazed I retorted. "Then you can stay after." pushing my way through. I walked out into the hallway as Aidan though his arm around my shoulder. Yelling back to the girls that he would help next time.

When we were out of the class and down the hall Aidan asked "she was cute why didn't you want to help?"

"Not my type, but don't make me stop you. She didn't look too bright and she could use the 'help'"

"Nah dude before boobs right? Anyways I got the new halo game wanna come over to play?" moving my shoulder so his arm could fall off. "Nah I got plans."

"Oh with a girl?" he asked poking me on the sides. Sending him a look I picked up my pass. Only for him to almost climb on my back. "Awww honey don't be mad."

"Get off" I yelled at him breaking into a run down the stairs leading out of the front doors.

"Call you later honey," Aidan said in a girl's voice. Rolling my eyes I pulled out my earbuds.

"Kareem!" came a girl's voice from behind me. ignored it I put in my earbuds before pulling out my phone. Continuing my way home. I listen to my music as I walked home I switched from looking at apartments to jobs on my phone.

I didn't want a job close here. I didn't want to see anyone from my school or neighborhood to find me at work, but I didn't have a car so it can't be that far. I count keep using my dad's car because he has to use it for work. Sighing I turned off my music and placed my phone in my butt pocket but I didn't take out my earbuds.

The walk from school to my house wasn't tiring but it was long. I enjoyed it; I like the silents. It was different from the loud school and my now loud house.

Ever since my dad married Aunt Sarah my house has been loud but not as loud as it becomes with Rabia. Aunt Sarah has been extremely happy and louder with excitement.

I finally get to think to and from school on this road. Walking in peace for about 25 minutes until I could see my house. Another 3 minutes and I was at the door. Opening the door I was greeted with faint laughter and smell of cookies. Pulling off my shoes I walked into the kitchen to see no one on my way to or from the kitchen.

Three cookies in hand I turning I walked back to the stairs to go to my room. As I got closer the laughter got louder and louder. It was coming from Yaqoob's old room. Deciding to ignore it went into my room.

Throwing my backpack onto my desk chair and falling unto my bed. Looking to my right I saw Yaqoob sleeping peacefully on his bed. "How can you sleep with all this noise?" I whispered to him. Laughter had softened replaced with muffled voice.

A faint headache was forming. Closing my eyes I decided to follow Yaqoob's lead and take a nap.

When I awoke the sun was setting. Yaqoob was no longer in his bed. Rubbing the sleep from my eye I changed into sweats and a hoodie. Sitting at my desk I pulled out all my homework and set it out on the table and sent a quick text to Aidan. "Kareem?" came Yaqoob's squeaky voice.

Spinning in my chair I turned to the door where Yaqoob was standing with one hand still on the doorknob. "Mommy said it's dinner time." nodding I got up to follow him down.

The smell of chicken wafted into my nostrils as I walked to the dining room. My father already sat at the head of the table with Yaqoob who ran downstairs after getting me was on his left. Sending Yaqoob a quick glare before sitting next to him. "As-Salaam-Alaikum, dad"

"Wa-Alaikum-salaam, how was school?" my father asked as Sarah come out of the kitchen with a plate of cut baked chicken. Rabia followed in her wheeled chair with mashed potatoes on her lap. I wonder how she got up here if have to step up one step to get to the dining room and kitchen. They placed the food on the table as they sat on the right of my father. Sarah across from Yaqoob and Rabia across from me.

Remembering that my father had asked me a question I turned my head back to him. "Uneventful"

"Well, I have great news!" Sarah said loudly clapping her hands. Starting my dad as he was putting mashed potatoes on his plate. "Andrew is getting better the doctor believes that he should walk up soon and Rabia should be able to walk again by Wednesday."

"Who is Andrew?" Yaqoob asked stuffing chicken into his mouth.

"My dad" Rabia replied. Nodding Yaqoob was trying to stuff more potatoes into is already full mouth.

I zoned out for most of the conversion. They talked about my dad's new project and what Rabia and Sarah did all day.

"Rabaia the mash potatoes from scratch. She didn't like that I used that powdered mash potato." Sarah was saying.

"Can I be excused?" I said. I didn't care for that they did that day or what potato Rabia used.

"Why?" asked my father.

"I have homework that needs to be done," I said as I got up.

"Did you bring Rabia's work too?" it was Sarah who replayed this time.

"Why should I? It's her work if she wants it she should get it."

"Why should you? If I'm not wrong your mom asked you to get it yesterday." my dad said now piercing me with his eyes.

"No, she's asked if I could. I told her no I will not, can I leave now?" calmly said not breaking eye contact. The room filled with silents.

"It's ok I should be going to school soon anyway what's more missing work?" Rabia broke the silents.

Still not breaking eye contact with me. "It's not only about the work it's that Kareem thinks he can disrespect us. You're grounded." my dad deadpanned. "you're not allowed outside of this house unless you're going to school. Give me your phone" he extended his hand palm up.

Glaring I fetched out my phone from my pocket smacking my phone on his palm. Before stalking out.

I was fuming when I got into my room I began to pas. '"Disrespecting us" really!" huffing. 'They wish what the hell is this? I'm not a kid anymore. This is all Sarah's fault if she never upped her stupid mouth. Better yet if she never came into this family. She's been ruining everything. Dad and I were fine before she came.' launch myself into my desk chair I bent over with my hands running through my hair. 

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Author note:

short I know sorry. I hope y'all like this chapter. 

thanks for reading <3


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