chapter 11

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On Saturday morning, I wake up early to go downstairs and make breakfast. I missed baking. I used to make my parents breakfast on the weekends all the time so I thought why break the tradition?

Just like everything else, it was hard to work with a limited left arm. But I no longer need my wheelchair. I'm walking almost completely normal now.

"As-Salaam-Alaikum Rabia! You're up early—oh, what are you doing? Aunt Sarah asked as she entered the kitchen.

"Wa-Alaikum-Salam! I use to make my parents breakfast every weekend so I thought it would be nice to do the same here." I said smiling at her. "Do you guys like certain topping for your pancakes?"

"I don't think they do, I'll let you surprise us." Aunt Sarah said grabbing a pan.

"No no no. I'll make it. Go sit down, relax, I got this." I said setting the batter down.

"Are you sure? I can help..." worry fasted over Aunt Sarah's beautiful features.

"No, it's fine I got this, thank you." nodding her head she hesitated by the door. After she left, I let out a breath grabbing some turkey bacon from the fridge.

I was almost done when Yaqoob ran into the kitchen hugging my legs, nearly making me topple over.

"As-Salaam-Alaikum Rabia I'm here to help!" after Yaqoob slept in my room he's been really comfortable with me. He now randomly comes into my room to play with me or for me to read to him. Or like how giving hugs.

"There's my helper! What took you so long? I've been waiting for you. " I laughed looking down at him.  

"I was sleeping" he simply said letting go of my legs. 

"I see well that's ok then. Can you help me by giving everyone a fork?" I asked him as I finished with the last stack of pancakes.

"I can do that!" with that he was out of the kitchen. The plates and glasses were already on the table thanks to Aunt Sarah who insisted on at least setting the table. Grabbing a stack I stepped out of the kitchen to see that uncle Dawud was awake. we greeted each other as Aunt Sarah sent Yaqoob to get Kareem.  

Kareem still has been bitter from his grounding. He's been in his room for most of the day. He only came out when it was time to eat but even then he did not talk and mainly just nodded when a question is directed at him.

"The food is ready," I said set down the last stack of pancakes.

"You've been working hard, this looks delicious." Uncle Dawud gawked at the food before smiling up at me and Aunt Sarah who was sitting next to him.

"Thank you. The first stack has chocolate." I said pointing to the one closest to him.

"That one has blueberries," I said pointing to another one, "next has bacon and last is plain" I finished. The chocolate, blueberries, and bacon were small in size just in cases they didn't like it. And the plain ones were normal size.

"Bacon?" Aunt Sarah question weary looking at the pancakes as Kareem entered the room. He took his seat across from me without saying a word.

"I was watching this show called adventure time and one of the characters made them. I decided to try it and I ended up like it" when I finished explaining to Aunt Sarah I turned at stared at Kareem.

He looked like he just rolled out of bed. With his black hair following into his gray/blue eyes. Most days Kareem's eyes looked more gray than blue but today the blue hoodie he was wearing helped bring out more of the blue in his eyes.

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