chapter 19

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once I was in my room I began to jump around hitting my head with my hand. 'How did you not know they were following you' I scolded myself. "Stupid stupid stupid!"

'Today really isn't my day'

First, everyone could not stop looking at and spreading rumors about my black eye. Which apparently gave the green light to some annoying girls who kept trying to "take care of me" when I knew they figured out what really happened Or win my affection. As if.

Than Samantha "confessed" to me when I knew very well that she didn't like me. I mean she does but not the way. you know when everyone likes something? Example: ice cream. You can't go wrong with ice cream.  Anyways let's say I'm chocolate ice cream, and let's say everyone likes chocolate ice cream but you the buyer likes vanilla who is Aidan. But all your friends keep telling you that the chocolate ice cream is better.

Even though Samantha liked the vanilla ice cream she confessed to the chocolate ice cream instead because what's what everyone was doing/ liked.

I feel like it's the girls are having a competition or something. Like they confess to me just because they want to see if I could say yes. But instead of it stopping Like I was hoping it's getting worse. It's like they see me as a price or something.

Its upsetting because I knew Samantha liked Aidan, she would follow him around and cheer for him at all his swimming competitions. I knew this because she would always volunteer to bring him towels and yet she's over here "confessing" to me.

Letting out a sigh I began to hit my head again. 'I don't understand how you didn't notice them. I mean Rabia isn't sneaky and it's not hard to miss her with all her bright clothes.'

I was getting a headache from all my hitting. Sitting on the floor I pulled out my phone to text Aidan.

"we've been caught" not even a minute later he replayed.

"with what? If it's about that prank I pulled on the p.e teacher say you don't know anything about it"

"What? What did you do?"

"Something. What did we get caught with?"

"one of Rabia's friends know about her living here." I send back as Sarah knocked on my door to tell me it's time to eat.

"the redhead?" he relayed.

"That's the one"

"She doesn't seem like a gossip plus people are too scared to really talk to her"

"not her little club through" this time the reply didn't come as fast as the others. We both knew about this little club they had.

"We're screwed" was what he texted. I let out a groan as I leaned my head back to rest on my bed with my arms limp beside me. I could hear giggles and some banging coming for Rabia's room. Before I knew it I was outside of her opened the door.

Sarah and the redhead girl jumped around holding hands while Rabia just watching them with a smile.

"can you guys cut it out? You making all this noise for nothing" Still annoyed at myself I said. from the doorway. Sarah and the girl stopped jumping. The smile that once touched Rabia's lips were gone now and a glare had taken its places as she looked up at me from her bed.

"you need to learn how to knock." she glared.

Sarah began to scold me as she walked to me. She told the girls to wash up expecting me to leave with her. Rabia friend slowly moved towards me sending me a closed lip smile.

'What does she want? Is she going to jump me? She cant. Can she?' I thought to tense up.

"Excuse me" she squeaked trying to move out of the room without touching me.

'What's wrong with her?' this kinda hurt my pride if I was being honest I mean this girl follows me almost everywhere and has her spies watching me but when she's up close to me she doesn't even want to touch me.

"What are you still doing here?" came Rabia's voice pulling me out of my thoughts.

'Good question why am I?'

"What were you talking about that made you guys make so much noise?" I asked moving into the room so she couldn't kick me out and to distract her from my dumb question. I knew the answer to this question and yet I still found myself trying to find something to ask to stay and talking to her.

"First off who said you could come in? Second, if we were so loud then how did not hear what we were talking about?" she said sounding kinda mad. Why does she have to be so rude I didn't do anything to her. I even helped her with her little fight as well.

'Come on Kareem think of something'

"Because Y'all sounded like a bunch of squirrels jumping in here, I head all noise, not words" I kinda felt proud of myself for thinking that answer. I made myself comfortable on her window seat. I was always jealous that Yaqoob got it. I mean he's a baby he's not going to appreciate it.

"Aunt is going to take us all camping" Rabia said crossing her arms over her chest. Screwing up her nose at me.

'This girl You want to play like that alright.

"I'm not going," I said getting up as I moved to her door.

"You can't do that! Aunt is so excited to go" she yelled. Jackpot.

Hiding my smile I said "I didn't say she can't go, I'm saying I'M not going" turning to her.

"She wants the family to go and last time I checked you apart of this family" this almost made me laugh out loud and not in a good way. Rabia just messed everything up. We're playing just fine. She and Sarah think we're family pff she wishes.

"Last time I check you not 'Family' you a guest who will be leaving soon," I said glaring down at her. 'Was she always this short? I'm a good head above her.' I thought.

"you right I'm not "family" but I'm a guest who was invited to go. While you don't have a choice but to go" Rabia said glaring back at me.

'Did her eyes always had gold flecks in them?'

Someone cleaned their throat bring us out of our staring contest. Rabia looked at us. She turned back to me trying to glare at me but she nervously pulled her lower lip between her teeth.before I could comment on it she was already walking past me and out of her room.

~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*

Author note:

I know its short but I still hope y'all like this chapter. If you have any questions or advice don't hesitate to tell me.

Thanks for reading <3


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