Chapter 16

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Aunt Sarah being pissed was an understatement. As Soon as we entered the house she was all over us. I didn't mind as much as Kareem did, however. Whenever she would try to see his injury. he would just brush her off and move away.

His lip was busted and he had a mad looking bump under his eye that we knew would turn into a burse by morning.

I, on the other hand, didn't look as bad. I was still winded from when I got hit on the side as well as the run here. My knee also hurts from all that action. My left arm which was still wrapped wants hurt which is great. My injuries were more internal instead of Kareem's being external.

Once Aunt Sarah saw we weren't badly injured she started to scold as she tried to apply ointment to Kareem's wounds, but of course, him being him he won't let her.

"Ok Sarah I think they understand, you guys won't do this again right?" asked uncle Dawud who was sitting next to Aunt Sarah.

"It's 11 the kids have school tomorrow." said my father next time. I felt awful when I saw my dad's face as soon as I got home. The worry and anger were etched into his features. Aunt Sarah shoulders slumped. Nodding her head she said.

"Your right, you guys can leave." nodding my head I took my leave after saying salam to everyone.

All strength left me as soon as I crossed the threshold of my room. I mustered enough strength to change my clothes out of my sweaty ones and pray. I didn't have enough energy to take a shower even though I know I should have.

I need to start working out again I thought as I looked down at my belly. I had lost some weight but not enough to lose all my belly fat. Was the last thought that crossed my mind before was swept off the dreamland.

When I opened my eyes the room was still covered in darkness only my little lap's light touched my bedside table. Feeling for my phone which was under my pillow. Throw the blinding light I saw that the time was 1:18. Signing I laid back down. As I tried to go back to sleep my stomach shock pain causing me to sit back up.

'I should go get something to eat' I decided to turn my phone back. Without unlocking it I used the light to help me navigate not only my room but outside. Slipping a hoodie on just case something heard me or something.

I'm still not used to my new disability. The only thing I could see is where my phone light was shining on. So I ended hit less than I thought but more than I hoped. My tummy growls got more and more fears as I took my time getting to the kitchen.

Ones I made it into the kitchen I made myself a bowl of cereal not only cuz it was the fastest thing I could make before I ended up dying from hunger but also because it makes the less nose.

My phone light dimmed then turned off as soon as I sat down. I didn't turn on the kitchen light so I plummeted into darkness. "Fudge cakes" I wisped reach for my phone and turned it on as I heard a noise came from behind me. Spinning in the chair so I can face the noise. Lifting the phone light up to see who the intruder was.they had an arm over their face to shield them from the light.

"Can you move the light?" Kareem's voice said as he grabbed my hand holding the light so he could move my hand down.

A squick left my lips "Sorry" I said snatching my hand from his. Turing back in my sit to face my food. I bought the same hand that he grabs up to make sure my hood was still on my head. When I was reassured it was I pulled the strings down so it squished around my head to make sure my hair want showing.

"Why are you up?" I said stuffing my face with the now somewhat soggy frosted flakes.

"Same as you I'm hungry," he said moving to the fridge. I hmed as my response, pulling the strings of the hood so that is was close to my head.

We stayed silent as he made himself a bowl of cereal and I finished mine.

"You didn't get hurt did you?" Kareem asked breaking the silence coming to sit in front of me.

Taken back I replayed "No I'm fine, what about you? That bruise looks painful"

He played with his food as he said "it doesn't hurt anymore." he brought the spoon to him mouth flinching slightly he still at. My eye focused on his right hand that the first two knuckles were cut.

"Have you put ointment on it?" I asked examining his face starting at His full uni lip had a cut running down the middle of his bottom lip. Then to the bruise under his grayish blueish eye that framed his high cheekbones. My eyes move last to his hands.

"Nah I didn't need it" deciding not to argue with him I closed my mouth only to open it seconds later.

"Thank you," I said again. Kareem jerked his head up to look at me. I ran my finger over the cuts on the old wood so that I didn't have to look at him. Seconds turn into minutes and Kareem still hasn't said anything or looked away. The air around was becoming to suffocate me as his eyes burned holes into the top of my head.

Stuffing a spoonful of cereal. I stood up and walked to the sink to get away. Only to hear the wooden chair scrape against the floor as Kareem follow. I dumped the milk down the dram before grabbing the sponge to quietly clean my bowl so Aunt Sarah didn't have to.

Kareem placed his bowl in the sink as I yowed.

"Go to sleep I got this," he said as he grabbed the sponge and bowl from my hands. Pausing I tilted my head so that I could get a good look at Kareem's face.

"What?" He asked leaning away from me.

"I think the man punched you a little too hard" I started moving closer. His eyebrows pulled together as he straightened his body "What are talking about?"

Still examining his face I said "you're volunteering to help"

"Do you want to do this?!" he said throwing the sponge back into the sink. Bring up my hands in a surrounding gesture I didn't want a repeat of last time.

"No no be my guest. I'm just surprised"

Huffing Kareem picked up the sponge again. Once again the silence fell over us.

"Why was that guy chasing you?" remembering that Kareem didn't know what was going on at the time but he still tried to protect me.

"I saw him breaking into a store but before I could leave my phone went off" a look of guilt? passed his face but before I could question it the look was gone. Not wanting to stay there any longer I thanked him again as I walked out of the room and up the stairs to sleep.

~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*

Author note:

I know I'm a day late AND its short but forgive me~ life doesn't want me to live -_-

I hope y'all like this chapter. If you have any questions or advice don't hesitate to tell me.

Thanks for reading <3


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