11. Hayes

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You are waiting in the airport surrounded by women and their men suited for the army. One of those men includes your husband Hayes. From head to toe he is suited for the army. The camouflage from head to toe makes him look strong. He stands tall in front of you with his boots giving his already towering height even more height. He holds your hands tightly in his. He smiles adding beautiful little wrinkles to the sides of his face. He cups your face with his hands and places a kiss on your lips. You let's it linger there for a moment and then pulls away slowly. You smile.
"Reminds me of our wedding day." You say.
"You look just as beautiful now as you did that first day I met you in freshman year."
You smile wide. "You're only saying that."
"I'm only saying that because it's true beautiful. And you're going to be all I think about while I'm away."
"I don't even want to think about you being away."
"Then here." He pulls takes off the dog tag necklace he had kept since senior year. He places it around your neck. "Keep this on everyday until I come back. I love you. As long as you're wearing this necklace I'll always be with you." He kisses you and holds your waist tight. He pulls you into his chest and you breathe in his scent for the last time.

* * * three months later * * *

You sit on the sofa holding the dog tag necklace while you read a book. Knock knock. You get up and go to the door excitedly. Maybe Hayes is home! You find yourself nearly skipping to the front door. You arrive to the door and find soldiers and policemen.
"Are you Mrs. Grier?"
"Yes?" You reply. Your smile has dropped. They hand you a portrait picture of Hayes and and take of their hats and bow their heads. Your eyes fill up with water when you finally understand. No no this isn't supposed to happen. You clutch your stomach and find yourself slowly sinking to the ground and you begin to choke on your tears.

You clutch the necklace with your life

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