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As I drove to Reading I appreciated the silence in the car. Both Dwight and Zack had fallen asleep. I looked through the rear view mirror at how peaceful Zack looked. I love him with all of my heart. He's the only one I can truly trust. Everyone else has betrayed me someway or somehow.

So I guess I should tell you about me and my family right? So you can get a better understanding. Well... My name is Jazmine Thompson and I'm thirty nine soon to be forty. I have an older sister who has always envied me. It doesn't matter what I've done for her; she never remembers that. I guess she didn't like the fact I came along five years after her meaning she had to share her parents. I don't know, but what I do know is I need no enemies when I have a sister like mine.

My parents and I don't have a great relationship either. Let's just say they have never supported me or believed in me. My mother is a nasty piece of work and my father is naive.

Then there's my husband. I loved this man so much I really did. Then he decided he was going to go and join the army. Leaving me on my own. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Not for me. I started losing feelings, I started resenting him. He left me to raise Zack on my own for ten years. Things wasn't the same. We both knew this. But we kept up these false pretences. Now we are where we are and to be honest; I've had enough. This weekend I'm getting everything off of my chest and then I'm filing for a divorce. Between my own business and the money I'll get from the divorce I'll want for nothing. Zack is eighteen now. He's old enough to know the truth. I think he will understand. I know he will understand. He's my boy. He's the only one that's got me. That I know for sure.

A few hours later and we had arrived to the family home that we have in Reading. It has ten bedrooms, which five of them have ensuite bathrooms, a further three bathrooms, a family room, a dining room, a huge kitchen, a study, a games room, a back garden that spills out into the field giving even more space for in the summer. The house also has an indoor and outdoor swimming pool and a gym.

Even though I'm not big on family I am always happy when I'm here. It reminds me of the times when life was much more simple. As I entered the house the help came and took our stuff. I made my way into the family room and over to the huge fire place.

"Dwight... come and start the fire. I've always loved this fire place." I said as I picked up a photo from the mantle piece.

It was a picture of me, Rose, Mum and Dad. A rare picture. A vivid memory. All four of us hugging and smiling. When life was good. When I actually loved them and didn't hold no resentment. As I looked at the picture I wondered if I could ever feel like that towards them again. Maybe I should use this weekend to build back bridges rather than to burn them.

"Hey D! Long time?" I heard a voice say.

"I know I know. How's everything?" Dwight asked Sanchez

I turned around to see Dwight and Sanchez embrace in a brotherly hug. Then in walked in Rose and Sariyah.




"Sooooo where's Zack?" Sariyah asked breaking the silence.

"Sariyah! Have some manners and say hello!"

"I mean... I was just trying to cut this tension by asking for Zack." She said as she rolled her eyes.

I smirked. Sariyah has always had an attitude. An attitude Rose can't handle.

"He's most probably in the games room sulking." I said answering her.

"Thanks." She said as she walked off.

"I don't like you undermining me in front of Sariyah."

"She was never gonna say hi, so I just answered. What's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal? I'll tell you what the big deal is..." Rose said ready to go into one but was cut short by our mother calling out.

"Helloooo??? Someone help me with these bags and your father!" She said.

I rolled my eyes as I took the lead and went to help my parents. As I had them in my eyesight I froze.

What the fuck?

"Are you kidding me?" I said trying to remain calm.

"Look, I don't want no trouble Jazmine..." Eric said.



"DON'T!! DO NOT JAZMINE ME!! Are you guys kidding me??? You bring THIS man here and say you don't want no trouble? REALLY?"

"Jazmine he's family..." my dad pleaded.

"NO!! NO HE IS NOT!! That rapist bastard is NOT family!"

"KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!!" My mum said through gritted teeth.

I laughed.

"Yes... that's right Mum. Let's keep quiet. Because that's what we do best. Keep quiet. We don't say anything. We hide the truth by living a LIE!! I actually can't believe you brought him here! HIM of ALL people!! It's MY birthday and this is how you want me to remember it? By spending it with the man who took my innocence?!"

"Jazmine..." Dwight said.

"WHAT?!" I said as I spun around.

I then saw Sariyah and Zack at the top of the stairs.


"You know what? I came here with good intentions and a clean heart but you two bringing him here... you're really making it hard for me." I said as I walked off. I marched into the dining room and headed over to the bar. I was in need of a strong drink.

Looking at the picture earlier I was actually reconsidering going ahead with my fucked up plan. But now they've left me no choice. I couldn't believe they brought uncle Eric here. I shouldn't be surprised though; they never ever believed that he raped me.


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