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I really loved this house. It was my parents when we was growing up. In the beginning it was only a four bedroom house with one bathroom. But my parents always visioned Eric and I having lots of children. My mother had always wanted to say she owned a mansion. With us having so much private land they decided to expand on the house. Now with them both gone it belongs to me. Our parents said whoever got married and had kids first would get the house when they both passed. That ended up being me. I was in the family room looking at the family album when I looked up and saw Jazmine standing there.

"Hey Jaz, Happy Birthday! You okay?"

"Thanks dad. Well yes and no."

"What's up?"

"I want to talk to you. I want you to listen and I just want you to be my father. Okay?"


"Un... Your brother... Eric... he did rape me daddy."

"Jaz...do we have to do this? Today is your birthday."

"My birthday was ruined from the minute he arrived. So yes we have to do this. Especially today. So please, let me finish. I'm not lying okay. He did. From I was seven, all the way up until I was thirteen. I've been in two minds about how today was going to go. But after both him AND Rose came to me yesterday to talk about it, I'm sparing no one."


Jazmine smirked.

"Yeah. She knows. She's always known. She was there. He always made her watch."

"But... when Rose was asked... she said..."

"She lied. Mum knew."


"Yeah. That's why I don't have that bond I should have with my mother. She knows and if you think I'm lying. Ask her."

"I have."

"Ask her again. You know your wife so you will know if she's lying. You've never wanted to believe it before. But think about it dad, why would I lie? Why would I still be so bothered thirty years later? This is the worst birthday ever and why? Because he's here, and it reminds me of my eighth birthday."

"What happened then?"

"It was after my eight birthday party when...when he started... look...I'm not trying to put you in your grave any sooner than you're meant to be. I'm just telling you because I can't have you die thinking I'm a liar. I also can't have you die not knowing about your brother. He's a rapist dad. It's not an easy pill to swallow but ask Rose, she came to my room yesterday before I went out with Sariyah and we had the biggest argument ever, because only now is she trying to apologise after everything, after all these years. I told her I'll never accept her apology unless she tells the truth. So don't be surprised if you don't see her come to talk to you soon. I'm sorry to put this all on you. But I'm not keeping quiet no more. Today is my birthday and It's time everyone knows the truth. It's time it all comes out. That's what this weekend was for and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm sorry and I love you daddy." Jazmine said as she kissed my cheek and left.

This was the first time Jazmine came to me with so much sincerity. I watched her as the tears fell as she spoke.

There's no way she could be lying.
But that means... No.
It can't be.
Can it?



I had just come in from doing a big food shop with my son in laws. We had more than enough food for Jazmine's birthday dinner.

#13 :: Who Killed Me?Where stories live. Discover now