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"If you just acted like you're ill then we won't have to go!" I said to my husband Sanchez.

"Your sister said she wants to make things right. She's even choosing to do it for her birthday. I think we should go and hear her out. Or else you now look like the problem instead of her."

I thought about what Sanchez said and he had a point.

"That's why she's doing this isn't it? To make herself seem better than me? That bitch!"

"Okay, calm down. You're raising your blood pressure. Let's just finish off packing." Sanchez said as he came and kissed me on my forehead.

I calmed down almost instantly. Sanchez always knew the right things to say. He knew how much I hated my sister. Yes hate. We've never seen eye to eye. I'm the older one but you would think she was the way she would talk to me. She reckons she's the black sheep and that our parents love me more than her. She has been nothing but a nightmare from a young age so if our parents did favour me more it was no fault but her own.

I did not want to go to her birthday dinner. I did not care for my sister. But I would play the good guy and attend. I am interested in what she has to say and how she thinks one dinner will make all the wrongs she's done in this world right.

This weekend shall be interesting indeed...



I was glad I could calm my wife down. I really wanted her and her sister to make things right. They've hated each other for years. I know I'm to blame but I think after all these years especially with children in the picture and the fact we're all married that it would be all forgotten about. You see... I was with Jazmine first. Then I left Jazmine for Rose.
It was like I had started World War III!
Jazmine and Rose fought everyday. It got worse when I proposed to Rose. I had messed up and didn't want to lose her. Jazmine was angry because she didn't see why Rose should have got the happy ending when she stole me from her in the first place. They've never got on from even before I came along. So I'm hoping that this weekend will be the start of new beginnings. But knowing Jazmine... I wouldn't be surprised if she had something up her sleeve.



"Why do I have to go?" I asked my mum.

"Because I said so. Plus I'm not leaving you on your own."

"Mum! I'm eighteen! I am grown!"

"Oh okay... well seeing as you're grown, there's rent that needs to be paid, let's not forget the bills. Your phone bill? I should stop paying that too. Seeing as your grown. Furthermore, if you're grown how about you find somewhere to live?"

"Wow. You always have to take it too far. ALWAYS!!"

"Alright alright ladies. Can we go one day without you two arguing?"

"Your daughter claims she's grown so she needs to start doing grown people things then isn't it?"

"Your wife is always on my case!"

"The thing is... you are both so similar so you clash. I don't even know how that makes sense."

"I don't see why I gotta come dad. Aunty isn't going to mind that I'm not there."

"We're going. All of us." My mum says.

"Ugh! Dad!"

"Your mother is right. We are all going. Besides Zack will be there. You can't leave him on his own."

I sighed.

"Whatever. Not as if I have a choice is it?"

"No you don't." My mum piped up.

"I wasn't asking you." I snapped.

"Sariyah!!" My Dad said.

"What? Ugh. Whatever." I said before walking off.

This was a regular occurrence with me and my mum. She was forever angry with life and would take it out on me and my dad. My dad just wants peace so he just accepts all her bullshit. But not me. I'm not accepting it.

All I wanted to do was stay at home this weekend. I'm more than capable of looking after myself. But no; I'm being forced to go to this stupid family dinner. Which by the way makes no sense. No one gets along. Other than me and my cousin Zack. So I really didn't know why Aunty wanted us all together... but I guess we will soon find out!


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