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I couldn't believe I just saw my Dad and Aunty having sex!

It has been ages since we've been at the family home. So, I decided to go around the newly decorated house. I didn't expect to see this in one of the bedrooms though! As I got closer I heard moaning. I was curious as to who was in there because these were the rooms at the back of the house that no one used.

Well now I know why they was back here!
How could they do this? The both of them! My mums sister and my mums husband!

I went to go and find my mum, she had to know. But it's not easy finding people in this huge house. I gave up looking for her as I knew I would see her eventually. I went down into the family room and turned on the tv. It wasn't long before I felt the presence of someone else.

"Oh hey Yah Yah! Didn't know anyone was down here. You okay?" Aunty Jazmine asked.

"I was... then you walked in." I said.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me! I saw you... with MY DAD!!"

Aunty Jazmine pulled the two doors shut before coming towards me.

"What you saw was a very good show. You should be pleased you got to get a sneak peak."

I was gobsmacked. Not only was she wrong but I was her niece! She shouldn't think this was acceptable!

"You're disgusting! I'm telling my mum!"

"As much as I would love nothing more than for you to tell her... you better keep your mouth shut little girl." She said as she walked over to the cabinet and took out a bottle of brandy.

"Oh yeah? And if I don't?"

"Well if you don't... it's no skin off of my nose... but your daddy now. He will be sad; not for long... but he will be. You see, he doesn't want to mess up the dynamics of this dysfunctional family we have. Oh and let's not forget how heart broken your mother will be. As much as I live for her heartache... let's not cause your mother to have a breakdown... not just yet."

"Why are you like this?"

"Like what? A cow? A bitch? A..."


Aunty Jazmine laughed.

"Oh no no darling. I am far from a slapper. I've only ever slept with.. well consensually slept with two men. My husband and your daddy."

"You're sleeping with your sisters husband! That's wrong!"

"Should I let you into a little secret? I don't give a fuck! Do you know why? I'll tell you another little secret... he was my boyfriend first."


"Yep. He was mine, then he decided to sleep with Rose, fall for her, dump me, get with her, start sleeping with me again, your mum found out and was heart broken and then he proposed and swore he would stay away from me. Which was a lie... you see... your father is right where he needs to be; with me. So feel free to tell your mum, but remember, it will be you that will break her heart."

"No! It will be you!"

"No no sweetie, if YOU tell her, YOU will break her. Not that I care, she should know, she deserves to know. But you will be what they call the straw that broke the camels back. Her whole world will fall apart all because you told her."

"But it won't be me she will be mad at! It will be you!"

"Have you been paying attention?! Does it look like I care? Oh niecey.. some things in life are better left... a secret. Trust me on that. There are a lot of things that you don't know about your mum, about this whole dysfunctional family. What people don't know won't hurt them. But trust me, if you tell your mum, it will kill her, then everyone will blame you. Is that what you want? Think about it." She said and winked at me before walking out.

I was so angry and frustrated. She was right. My mum and me didn't have the best relationship. So if I told her I would just be making things worse between us, between all of us. I hated that my Aunty and father was going to get away with this. They couldn't! It wouldn't be fair, it wouldn't be right!

I went looking for my dad.

"Hey princess." He said as I found him in the kitchen.

"I know you're fucking Aunty Jazmine."

"SARIYAH!! Mind your language and keep your voice down!" He said as he got up and made sure the coast was clear.

"Nope. I will not! What was you thinking dad?!"

"Look... whatever you think you saw it's not what you think... I was just..."

"Save me the details, I don't want no stories! I don't want you to LIE!! You see... I've already gone to Aunty Jazmine and she's confirmed it all... HAPPILY!!"

"Fuck sake!"

"Don't worry though... I'm not going to tell mum..."

"You're not?"

"No. But you are..."


"NO!! This is wrong! What you guys are doing is wrong! So what you need to do is tell mum. Tonight. Or else, I will." I said before walking off.

I was really hoping dad took my threat seriously. I didn't want to be the one to tell my mum but she had to know. So... if my dad doesn't have the balls to tell her... I guess I will.


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