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Detective Colins

Once I let them all go to the B&B it was time I started working on finding the killer. I looked at my investigation board filled with everyone's picture. I stared at them all.

"Boss the forensic team is ready for us." Lance said.

Lance was a new detective on the team. I took him under my wing to teach how to be a real detective that gets real results.

"Excellent." I said as I hurried to the forensic department.

"Detective Colins. This is an easy one for you."

"Ha. It's pretty black and white but I have a lot of suspects."

"Well... let me help you with the information I have. We did a rape kit. No signs of tearing, semen or recent activity to suggest she was raped. She was shot with a .22 LR; but that's not what killed her."

"It's not?" I asked.

"No. I found fibres on her face so I ran some checks. Your deceased was suffocated."

"The plot thickens... So had she not been suffocated she would still be alive?"

"Not necessarily. She was shot in the lower abdomen which hit an artery. She would have bled to death as she was very intoxicated so she couldn't and wouldn't have been able to scream for help nor try to help herself."

"So if she would have died anyway why suffocate her with a pillow?"

"That's why you're the detective and not me. Oh yeah, I have some good news for you. Go up to the lab. They have some things that might be of an interest to you."

"Sounds interesting. Thanks Lynne." I said before heading up to the lab. "Alex what have you got for me?"

"You have a great team detective. They found so much evidence back at the house. They found the gun and they found the cushion. Also here's all the results you have been waiting for. The fact so many people did enter the crime scene and touch the deceased is a problem but with all this evidence as to who the killers were I think it will be fine."

"Wait... killers? As in plural? As in more than one?"

"Yes detective. It's all in the envelope." Alex said as he handed it to me.

"Thank you Alex. You never fail to amaze me!" I said as I hurried back to my office with Lance behind me.

I looked back at my investigation board as I played with my hair.

"What are you thinking boss?"

"I'm thinking this investigation just got a tad bit more interesting."

"Aren't you going to open the envelope?"



"Nooooo! Inside the envelope is the answer. I don't want the answer. I want to work it out for  myself and then look inside the envelope. So... she was shot with the intention of her being killed, they've fled the scene and someone else has walked in and decided to suffocate her with a cushion. Why? They knew what they was doing hence why they took the cushion. They wanted everyone to believe that the gunshot to the stomach is what killed Jazmine. In essence it would have been, but the cushion is what killed her. So we have two murderers. Two murderers in the space of thirty minutes. Both the gun and the cushion was hidden. Something isn't right. Why kill her with the cushion? She would have bled to death. Why make yourself a murderer?" I said as I played with my hair some more.

I looked at my board, I looked at the pictures from the crime scene, I looked at the deceased, I looked at all the suspects. I opened the envelope only taking out the pictures that were taken at the crime scene, where the gun was found and where the cushion was found. Two completely different places. My mind was doing over time. I stuck all the pictures up, took a step back and looked at the board.

"AH HA!!"


"I know who shot her and I know who suffocated her."

"You do? How?"

"It's been there all the time! The problem is we never knew about the cushion. I was asking the wrong questions, in actual fact the person that suffocated her was telling me the truth. They didn't kill her, not with a gun anyway." I said.

I started laughing. I took a pen to paper and wrote down two names. I gave the paper to Lance.

"If I'm right... when I take out this piece of paper those two names will be the same as what I wrote on the paper I gave you." I said as I took the piece of paper out of the envelope and looked at it.

I then gave it to Lance. I smiled.

"How... how did you know?" Lance said.

"Because I'm great at my job." I said.

Bingo! Gotcha!


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