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"Hello Zack. I know this is hard for you but I just need to ask you a few questions." The Detective said.

I nodded my head.

"First, so I can get it out of the way... where was you between eleven and eleven thirty?"

"Erm... my room. After everything kicked off at dinner I went up to my room. I was angry. So I smoked and then got in a shower. The shower seemed to keep me calm so I stayed under there for a while. When I got out the shower Sariyah came to check on me as we both had found out we've been lied to. Once she left I put my headphones in and listened to it hoping I would fall asleep. But it didn't help. When I took my headphones off that's when I heard Sariyah screaming."

"What happened at dinner?"

"Well, my grandads brother confessed to what he did to my mum. Then the guy I thought was my dad brought his girlfriend along with their daughter, then Sariyah exposed that my mum and the man I called Uncle but is really my dad for sleeping together. Erm..she told everyone that grandma knew and that grandma was the reason Eric raped her, then she let us know Sariyah wasn't really Aunty Roses child and that Dwight wasn't really my father. Turns out Uncle Sanchez is both mine and Sariyah's father and we are twins."

"That's a lot to take in. How did all of that make you feel?"

"Honestly? I was angry. My mum and me had this one rule. No lies. My whole life has been a lie. I..." I stopped and let out a heavy sigh.

"Go on..."

"I said to her she's dead to me. Those were my last words. Now she's dead and that's the last thing I said to her. I'll never be able to take that back. She died thinking I hate her. I was mad yes. But that's my mum. You only get on mum." I said as the tears fell.

"You said you was mad? How mad was you?"

"Not mad enough to kill her if that's what you're asking. I didn't kill my mum detective. But please, find out who did. When you do... make sure they PAY!!"

"I'll do my very best. That will be all for now. You're free to go."

As I got to the door I turned around.

"Eric's a rapist, he also could have killed my mum. Even he didn't, he's definitely a rapist. He has to go to jail."

"One thing at a time. I'll deal with your mums death first then the rape allegation."

I nodded and then left. They needed to arrest Eric. He can't get away with what he's done or else there would be another murder very soon and this one I would happily confess to.



When someone is permanently no longer in your life, even the wrong they did doesn't seem as bad. My aunty was in fact my real mum. I always wished she was my mum instead of Rose and it turns out she was.

Why did she get rid of me? Why wasn't I enough? What made her love Zack enough to keep him?

I had so many questions that would never be answered because someone killed her.

"You there?" The detective said whilst knocking the table to get my attention.

"Huh? Sorry. What did you say?"

"I said I want to make sure I'm calling you by your right name. So is it Sariyah or Zariyah?"

I sat and thought about the question the detective asked me.

"For eighteen years it's been Sariyah, when in fact my name is Zariyah. My birth mum - Jazmine, she named me Zariyah. Although I was angry to begin with.. I think I prefer Zariyah. So from now on I would like to be called Zariyah."

"You said you was angry... why was that?"

"Where do I start? I saw my Aunty who was actually my mum having sex with my dad and thought it was wrong because she was married and my dad was married to her sister. Then the woman who I thought was my mum turns out to not be, she tells me why her and her sister have never seen eye to eye. Did you know my real Aunty watched Eric rape my real mum?"

"I've been told."

"When she was asked she lied. He raped and impregnated my mum. Then Rose took her to the clinic. That woman is pure evil. This is why I'll never understand why my real mum gave me to Rose. But I guess I'll never get to find out."

"I'm pretty sure all of this made you very angry. Angry enough to maybe..."

"Don't you dare. Don't you dare say it! What? You really think I could kill her?"

"Who said I was going to say kill her?"

I laughed.

"I've watched enough crime shows to know how this goes. Was I angry? Absolutely! Did I kill my mum? Absolutely not! She was my mum! I never got to have my real mum in my life. If there was one thing I could have, that would be it. So no, I'm sorry to burst your bubble... but I never. You should be asking that rapist, or her sister."

"Everyone seems to be mentioning them. So much so I'm starting to think it wasn't them."

"You're the detective. But this pretty black and white. You didn't stay over this weekend. You didn't see or hear what went down. If you did you would agree."

"You didn't want nothing to do with your real mum and now you're calling her mum and taking on the name she gave you. Sounds as if you feel guilty as if you're compensating for something."

"Yeah I'm compensating for the fact I'll never get to have her in my life as my mum. So the two things I have left; being able to change my name and call her mum will have to do. Is that a crime?"

"Not at all. Where was you between eleven and eleven thirty?"

"After the birthday dinner turned into a complete disaster I went outside for some air. I was upset, I had found out so much. Not just that she was my mum but I had a brother too. I was a twin! Then it hit me... my twin. He had stormed off. He was upset. So I went to check on him. We spoke for a bit and then I went to my room. I then packed my stuff and went on twitter and tweeted for a bit. Then I heard screaming. I went to see what was going on when I...when I saw grandma holding mum." I said as I started to cry.

"One more question Zariyah and I need you to think hard. When you found your grandma holding your mother, was there any signs of a gun?"

"Erm, not that I recall. I didn't really look around. I just stared at her on the floor. Hoping, praying that she would wake up."

"Okay Zariyah. Thank you." The detective said before escorting me out.


#13 :: Who Killed Me?Where stories live. Discover now