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Detective Colins

It was Friday morning and today I was making my arrest. I decided to make them sweat by dragging it out a bit whilst I got everything I needed. I couldn't have this backfire I needed to make sure there was no loopholes in this case. As I sat outside the B&B I saw Eric open the door fully clothed with a bag as if he was going somewhere.

"It's time." I said to Lance as we both opened the car doors. "Going somewhere Eric?"


"Yeah yeah yeah. Back inside. It's time I make my arrest!" I said as I looked him in the eye.

Everyone sat in the living room looking nervous. Everyone here had a motive. Everyone except Asia - Alexis daughter. But only two executed it.

"Right... a week ago you guys came here for Jazmines fortieth birthday and a week later she's dead and today I'm going to arrest not just one but two of you today for the murder of Jazmine Thompson."

"Two?" Eddie said.

"Yep. Two. You see, we all knew she was shot. That's what we believed killed her. Right?"

Everyone nodded their head.

"Wrong. It would have been what killed her had someone not come in after and suffocated her with a cushion. That... Ladies and gentlemen is what killed Jazmine. Suffocation. However the person who shot her left her to bleed to death so they will also be arrested of course. Now... I see a lot of you look puzzled about the fact she was suffocated. I was too. There was no cushion at the scene just like there was no gun at the scene. This is why it's definitely two people. The person who shot Jazmine thought that she would bleed to death and was unaware someone finished the job off for them. The person who suffocated Jazmine thought they would get away with it if they got rid of the cushion. But this is the thing with twenty first century technology it picks up everything. Fibres from the cushion was on Jazmines face. I guess the killer pressed down really hard. So let's start eliminating people. Let's give them room to breathe... Alexis and Dwight; you were each other's alibi and I believed you two from the start. You did not kill Jazmine."

"As we told you. Can we go now?" Dwight asked.

"Not yet. The house won't be available to get your stuff until tomorrow. So just sit tight. Right, who do we eliminate next... Zack and Zariyah; you lot was also together for a period of time and I did look into you tweeting Zariyah which you was so your timeline of events match out. Sorry for your loss guys."

Zack hugged Zariyah.

"Sanchez... Did you shoot Jazmine?"


"Did you suffocate her?"


"See guys... that, that is how you tell the truth. I know it wasn't you Sanchez. Thank you for your cooperation and again sorry for your loss."

He nodded his head and joined his kids.

"So now we have... Eddie, Rachel, Rose and Eric. Let's start with Eddie. Eddie... it was your gun that killed Jazmine. You claim it went missing. Is that the truth or is that just a story to cover up what you did?"

"I didn't kill my daughter!"

"Rachel... You was the first person to find Jazmine. Is that because you killed her and then didn't have enough time to escape so you pretended to find her?"

"That's what you want it to be. But it wasn't me!"

"Rose... Your sister not only exposed you, but she beat you up, was having an ongoing affair with your husband and gave him twins. Maybe you just had enough and took matters into your own hands?"

#13 :: Who Killed Me?Where stories live. Discover now