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After the conversation went downhill with Jazmine it had me feeling a way. She was right about a lot of things. I had to tell the truth. I had to tell the truth about everything. I've been living my life with too many secrets and it's finally come back to haunt me. I've always resented my sister because of what I did, what I allowed, what I witnessed. It was easier to resent her than to resent myself. I'm a coward, the only way I could make things right was by coming clean. I decided to go to my mum first.

"Hey Mum. We need to talk."

"Everything okay?" My father asked.

"Not really... actually I need to talk to you both. It's about Jazmine..."

"...Surprise?" My mum said.

"Huh?" I said confused.

"It's about Jazmine's surprise. The one me and Rose have been planning. A way to show her that we mean well and want for us to be a big happy family. I'm afraid dad can't know about it. The less people that know the better. You rest now and I'll be back." Mum said to dad as she ushered me out the room.

"Mum? What are you doing?"

"Follow me." She said as we walked down the corridor and into the family room.

She made sure no one was around then shut the door.

"Look...your father isn't well. So you have to THINK before you decide to open your mouth."

"How did you know what I was going to say?"

"A mother just knows these things. Okay?"

"No. Because this thing I know... you don't know."

"And what is it that I don't know?"

"Well... you see when Jazmine said Uncle Eric raped her? She... she wasn't lying."

"Oh come on. Don't tell me she's finally got you around her little finger."

"She isn't lying. I was there. I was there for it all."

"Stop it! Just. Stop. Why are you saying something now?"

"Because Jazmine is right. I need to tell the truth. So this is what I'm doing. This is why I need to talk to dad too. He needs to know about his... brother."

"NO!! For god sake no! This will kill him! This will send him over the edge!!"

"I can't do this no more. I can't keep it a secret. Dad is dying. I can't have me die or Jazmine die and she's hating me. I've done her wrong and I'm trying to make it right. So... this is how I do it. By coming clean on what I know." I said as I walked out leaving my mum standing there.

I then headed to Uncle Erics room. I knocked the door.

"Come in." He said.

I entered but never said a word. He turned around.

"Oh hey Rose. You okay?"

"You need to leave."


"You need to leave better yet; you need to come clean and then leave."

"Rose...what are you talking about?"

"What you did to Jazmine. You need to tell the truth and then you need to leave."

Eric sniggered.

"What I did to Jazmine? Come on Rose. Don't tell me you believe that?"

"Believe it? I was there! Look, you need to come clean. Or I will sit everyone down and tell them every single detail."

"Every single detail? Even the bits that will jeopardise your place in this family?"


"You know what I mean. If you're going to tell them everything you're gonna have to tell them EVERYTHING." He said as he got up and closed the door...



It was evident people was not willing to get over the past. I've made mistakes and wish that people would just get over it. It was one thing it being just Jazmine but now her sister Rose has decided to grow a conscience; clearly this was far from over.

"You will have to tell them about all the times you watched, about when she SACRIFICED herself for you, about when they asked you if Jazmine is telling the truth and you lied, about the times you made sure to tell me the coast was clear and let's not forget you taking her to get the abortion. You're willing to tell them all of that? If so... then I guess we'll be leaving together because they wouldn't want you here either." I said quite pleased with myself.

"My family will forgive me; but you? You're a RAPIST!!"

"And you're an accessory. You could go to jail."

"What? Jail?"

"Yes Rose. Do you think that they would just let us leave? No no no. They would call the police on me and I'll be sure to drag you down with me."


"Sure... that's what you want to tell yourself. Look, if you want to tell them then go ahead. Just remember, every action has a reaction. Now... if you don't mind... I'd rather be alone."

Rose never said a word she just left.


I left my room and went looking for Jazmine. I saw her son leave her room so I used that as my chance. I entered and locked the door behind me.

"You forget som...Get out!" She said when she realised it wasn't her son.

"Now now, I'm not going to touch you."

"I don't care. GET OUT!"



"I just want to talk... I just want to talk."

"You don't get to talk to me. You don't get to do nothing; now GET OUT!!"

"I'll leave. If you just drop these lies..."

"LIES? You. Raped. Me."

"Oh come on, you wanted it."

I knew that would anger her and she came charging for me. I grabbed hold of her.

"Never forget I'll always be stronger than you." I said through gritted teeth.

"Get off!!"

"Just stop this now!!"

"I will never stop. Not until I've ruined you. I'm not there yet, but I've begun."

"You can't ruin me."

"Is that what you think? Ha. I've ruined you and you don't even know it. I'm not afraid of you." She said as she forced her way out of my grip.

"I wonder if you would still say that if I pinned you to the bed just like old times." I said to her.

"I'm NOT that little girl anymore. You try and see what will happen to you."

I laughed.

"I'm not going to touch you. I don't need to. I'll always be up in here." I said as I pointed to my head. "I'll always be in your life and you can never get rid of me because you will never get over what  we done."


"Yes. We." I said as I walked off laughing.

So yes, I raped my niece. But my brother doesn't know. He really believes me when I said to him I would never. I couldn't have him find out the truth. So if these sisters wasn't going to keep their mouth shut then maybe I would have to shut them up... Permanently.


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