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I entered the room where the detective sat. She never said a word. She just stared at me. After what felt like an eternity she finally opened her mouth.

"In life people have things they don't like.
For instance those that clap their mouth when eating or people that click their fingers.
You also have those who are a bit more passionate about things they don't like like racism, sexism, Police brutality. So much so they will have marches and protests.
Then there's me... you see I've been a detective for over ten years so I've grown to be passionate about things I hate. Honestly I don't hate much. But if there is one thing that really really grinds my gears... it's a RAPIST.
Now a rapist is a rapist and they are all wrong regardless; but there's different types. You have the ones who was raped so they rape, you have those who love the feeling of having control, then you have the SICK. BASTARDS. That rape their own. Their daughter, their son, their mum, their sister, their cousin, their NIECE & BROTHERS WIFE!! Those... those bottom of the barrel scum! That's what really gets my blood boiling. Like right now I just wanna take your head and bang it again and again and again, until your brains are on this table." Detective Colins said.

She then stopped. Got up off her chair. Turned around. Tightened her hair then turned back around with a smile.

"Right, now we got that out of the way... where was you between eleven and half eleven?"

What the fuck?

I didn't feel safe.

"In my room and no, no one can vouch for me. As you can see I'm not a popular person."

"So where is it?"

"Where is what?"

"The gun. The gun you killed your niece with."

"What??? I didn't kill her!!"

"Right right right... like you didn't rape her too?"

"That... That was ages ago. I've been paying for that!"

"Oh? How so?"

"Over a year ago my wife left me. I didn't know why. Until Jazmine lets it be known she told her everything and told her to take me for everything; which she did."

"Bet that made you mad? In fact I'm sure you said "I'll kill you bitch!" Wasn't that what you said Eric?"

Damn. Looks like those words have come back to haunt me.

"I didn't mean it literally!"

"So how did you mean it Eric? Let me know? Because it sounds like a threat and it seems like you had more than one reason to kill her."

"I didn't kill her."

"This is what everyone keeps saying and you know what? Someone had to. Usually the person everyone accuses isnt the person who did it but there are a few exceptions. This being one of them. You shot your niece..."


"You had enough! The whole weekend was miserable for you. You had been accused, you had been exposed and you had found out she's the reason you wife left you. Let's not forget that now everyone has come clean about you raping her and their involvement in it; If she went to the police you would be going away for the rest of your life Eric. Oh no, you couldn't have that! So you took Eric's gun when he wasn't looking..."


"YOU TOOK HIS GUN... you went to Jazmine room and you shot her!"


"Did you argue first? Did you make her beg for her life?"

"I didn't do it!"

"They are running all sorts of tests on Jazmine. We will find out the truth. Tell me, before you shot her did you decide to... you know, punish her for exposing the sick bastard that you are?!"


"STOP WHAT ERIC? Am I getting warmer? Is that it? I'm right aren't I? You decided to rape her again! You wanted to make up for old times and then kill her!!"


"Yes! That's it! Come on Eric! Show me how mad you can get! This must be how mad Jazmine made you."

I realised what she was trying to do and like a fool I fell for it hook line and sinker. I sat back down in my seat. I took a deep breath.

I did not kill her. Don't let this bitch get in your head. That's her job! Have you admit to something you did not do!

"I didn't kill her. I wasn't in her room, I wasn't near her room, I didn't take Eddies gun. I do hope you find it detective, because when you do I can't wait to see the look on your face when you find out I'm not the killer." I said with a smile.

"Either way I'm putting you in jail. You raped her all of those years."

"She's dead detective. You can't put me in jail if she can't stand up in court. It will be inadmissible."

"So that's why you killed her?"

"I didn't kill her, you'll never get me to admit to something I didn't do."

"But you will admit to what you did do. The rape."


"But Rachel is still alive..." The detective said.

All of a sudden I felt all the blood drain from my face. The detective laughed.

"You forgot about her didn't you? You see Eric... you will go to jail. The question is for what? Rape? Murder? Or both? Either which way... I can't wait to see the look on YOUR face when it does happen. No more questions for now Eric, leave the room." The detective said.

I couldn't believe it. The detective was right. I'll be going to jail. Even when the murderer is caught i'd still go to jail for something I did three decades ago.

I knew I shouldn't have come along this weekend. My whole life has been turned upside down in just three days. I didn't kill Jazmine but I'm starting to wish I did; and not this weekend but a very long time ago. Least then this wouldn't be happening.

I'm too old for jail. I'll die in jail. This can't be happening to me. Can it?


#13 :: Who Killed Me?Where stories live. Discover now