The heart flutter

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I woke up to my phone buzzing, I let out a grunt and reached for it. The bright light burned my eyes. My eyes adjusted to the light and the caller was "unknown" I decided I should answer anyways.

"Hello?" I started in a low and tired voice.

"Hi Candice, it's Suga" my eyes popped out of my head and I immediately sat up.

"Hi, how are you doing?" I asked surprised that he had called me.

"I'm good don't worry" he answered.

"I'm sorry you had to experience that and see me like that. Being drunk around you is one thing, but high is another" he started and I sat listening closely.

"I hope you're not scared of me, I would really like you to come back and continue working" he said. For some odd reason my heart fluttered a little.

"Only if you're comfortable of course" he assured me. I didn't know what I was supposed to say. The job was a little more than I had expected. A few long seconds passed.

"You can think about it, and if you're ok with working here, swing by in an hour or two" he said and then he hung up. I sighed. Obviously I needed the job, I needed the money. I think I can handle the job, it's not my first time around drugs and alcohol.

I got up from bed and put on some black jeans and white t-shirt with a dark blue winter jacket. I grabbed my phone and wallet and placed them both in my pocket.

Well Suga, Candice is coming to clean up the mess you've created in twenty four hours.

I made my way out of the apartment, the door was about to fall of so I closed it as gently as i could. I walked down the old stars of the building, I didn't trust the elevator so I always took the stairs. I walked to the closest busstop and waited. The buss was obviously late but I made it to Suga's house eventually. I walked trought the big gate and towards his house. When I reched the door I rang the bell. the bell rang troughout the house. A few seconds passed and then Suga opned the door. He looked good, he had on black ripped jeans and a red hoodie.

"you came" he said smiling at me.

"of course I couldn't let you drown in your own mess" I said playfully. I stepped inside the house, it didn't look so bad a few things here and there but nothing bad.

"It's not even that messy here" I said half laughing, but when I turned and looked at Suga he wasn't laughing. He was about to say something but we were interrupted by an annoying voice.

"You're back" a high pitch voice started behind me. I turned to see Madeleine standing on the last step of the staircase with her arms over her chest. She started to slowly walk towards me. She huffed as she walked by me and continued towards Suga.

"I thought we were going to fire her" she said as she placed her hand on Suga's shoulder and kissed him on the cheek.

"You wanted to, I didn't" he said as he slightly tried to avoid Madeleine's touch.

"We need Candice here" he said looking at Madeleine with furrowed brows.

"Why is that?" She asked in a bitchy tone. I felt very awkward standing here while they were having a weird form of a fight.

"Because you can't do shit, definitely not make food" he said harshly making me smile to myself. Madeleine rolled her eyes at me. Suga walked away from
Madeleine, as he reached closer to me he stopped.

"Just do the usual and come up to my work space when you're finished" he said blankly and I nodded. He continued up the stairs and disappeared behind the corner. My eyes fell back in Madeleine who was standing looking at me with her arms crossed over her chest, she looked at me with an angry face.

"I don't know what you're trying to do, but it's obviously not working" she said as she pushed passed me and walked up the staircase. What is her problem? I haven't done anything. I've not even had a real conversation with Suga. I walked into the kitchen, I emptied the dishwasher and cleaned a little here and there. I continued to the living room and placed things in the right places. There weren't much to do, I don't know why he wanted me to come over but I guess I'm finished. I was about to walked up to Suga's work space but then the door bell rang. My body froze, was a part of my job to open the door as well. I walked towards the door, but my hand didn't reach the door handle. Madeleine came behind me and pushed me out of the way.

"Don't open the door, and definitely not while looking like that." She said as she opened the door harshly.

"Hoseok! RM! How are you guys" her voice made my ears ring.

"Good Madeleine, wheres Suga?" A dark voice answered.

"Just upstairs, come inside" Madeleine answered. The two men stepped inside. One of them had red like hair and wore black jeans with a blue hoodie. The other one had silver like hair and wore black jeans as well with a white tee.

"Who's this?" The red haired asked. He smiled at me, this man had the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my life.

"No one important, just the housekeeper" Madeleine said quickly.

"That's Candice" a familiar voice said. Suga walked down the stairs and towards us, when he reached Madeleine he put his hand around her waist and pulled her close to him. I was very surprised, I haven't seen them that close since he was drunk that night.

"Should we get to work?" The silver haired man asked.

"Sure, just go upstairs you guys know the way" Suga answered. The two men nodded and started to walk towards the stairs.

"Oh Suga, I'm sorry I have to go. I have some stuff I have to do at the record label" Madeleine said as she kissed Suga goodbye. She quickly made her way out the door.

"Suga? I'm finished with everything, is there anything more you need?" I asked fiddling with my hands, he made me nervous for some reason.

"No, you can leave" he quickly said and walked by me. I was surprised by his answer but also happy that I could go home. I grabbed my jacket and shoes.

"Candice?" Suga's voice echoed trough the house.

"Yes?" I answered looking towards him.

"Do I make you nervous?" He asked. I didn't know what to answer. If I say yes what will he think of me, if I lie he will probably know, I'm a horrible liar.

"Yes"'I answered in a shaky voice.

"Good" he said and smirked at me. He walked up the stairs with heavy and slow footsteps. My heart was pounding out of my chest and my palms were damp. I quickly made my way out of the house, the air had become unbearable. As I closed the front door behind me and the cold winter air hit me I felt a sense of relief, but I also wanted to go inside again and just talk to him. Or just observe him, just get something more that that short sentence. Why am I thinking like this? It's probably just Madeleine who's making me this crazy, her craziness has jumped over to me. What is this job doing to me?

Sorry for no update, this weekend had been crazy. It was my birthday and then I was out with my friend and today I was at dinner with my family, but finally I got the chapter out. Made it a little longer to make up for the long wait 😏

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